2017년 8월 6일 일요일

OpenGarages.org - Hack Vehicle Information Systems


Hack web page to find a vehicle information systems
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Thank you for sharing. I am also very interested in this. Driving safety research I do. I also want to python, cell phone or arduino get obd-ii or CANBUS data. But obd-ii sampling rate seems that only 1Hz. If we can have a sampling rate of 15Hz enough.

I am a university researchers, He Jibo. We are looking forward to get to know everyone in Shenzhen.
PyOBD ( http://www.obdtester.com/pyobd ) and PyOBD PyOBD2 Also Known AS-II (See Figure. 1 and AB-AB-2), IS A that communicates with the Python Module1 ELM327 Devices. It ON apos based Library The pyserial , and the Designed to give you Information IS ON A of Convenient in your Setup OBD interface. the For A specific Scan Tool fork of PyOBD See Austin Murphy's OBD2 ScanTool ( https://github.com/AustinMurphy/OBD2-Scantool/ ) Which IS Attempting to become a more complete open source solution for diagnostic trouble shooting.
Linux supports CAN drivers out of the box, and SocketCAN provides an easy netlink (Network card interface) experience when dealing with CAN. You can use its can-utils suite for a command line implementation, and as open source software it's easy to extend functionality to other utilities. (See Chapter XX for more on SocketCAN.)
CANiBUS (see Figure AB-3) is a web server written in Go by Open Garages to allow a room full of researchers to simultaneously work on the same vehicle, whether for instructional purposes or team reversing sessions. The Go language is portable to any OS , but you may have issues with low level drivers on certain platforms. For example, even if you're running CANiBUS on Linux you will not be able to directly interact with SocketCAN, because Go does not support the necessary socket flags to initialize at The CAN interface (This problem could BE Addressed by implementingLearn SocketCANd But AS of the this Writing, that the Feature has yet to BE Implemented The.) Canibus does have have A Driver for ELM327 that the Supports the Generic sniffing by You CAN Learn More the About Canibus AT.. HTTP: / /wiki.hive13.org/view/CANiBUS   at The Source from download and https://github.com/Hive13/CANiBUS
Hey, recently doing a project OBDII CANBUS ~
You mention this can be combined with ready-made solutions, Taobao OBDII module (about 38), directly exposed to the UART interface, then you can submit PID packets through what he gave AT commands.
(Perhaps you can make a similar device, Arduino OBDII SHIELD? Or Bad OBDII ~


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