please share with google drive
ben diğer bulut sitelerine giremiyorum (I can not get into other cloud sites)
for questions about AppToMarket please ask here!forum/apptomarket
I hope you have time for one more question
I have to put all that text replacement because AfterActivity.ResultURI it return a very strange stringhow does that "strange string look like exactly?
Error 2101: the file //storage/emulated/0/download/test.csv could not be found
, when i store a second contact, it's tags are added to every other tag.
the "users/userid/abg/name" how do you make it in the blocks?i'm making to muuch stuff and this is confusing
Is there some trick to reach this comment field?
This is the strange part. When I enter random numbers (for instance 32.91 and 95.16) I'm always a penny short
(I found out that the variable, money was somehow equal to 0.01 after it had displayed the values to me.)
But other random numbers (67.45 and 94.62) displayed all the values correctly, but it made the variable, money equal scientific notation values (2.8311E-15 for 67.45 and 4.5415E-15 for 94.62. The E- values (dont know what to call them) are all around 15 and 16 whenever I come across this instance).