Hey guys, I'm trying to create a "share button" on my app that will send a message to whatsapp using activitystarter component, but I don't know how to do that.
I've seen some posts (from a long time ago) saying it's not possible with app inventor, that the only thing we can do is open whatsapp "homepage"
Is it right? I think may be in the last months someone came up with a solution or whatsapp changed the way it works.
To be clear: I don't want to send a message without the user intervention, I just want to open whatsapp like the sharing component does (I don't use this component because it give many options to the user, I want the option to share on Facebook and whatsapp only).
I saw this link but it didn't help: https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/pt_br/android/28000012
I saw this tip on your website so much time before I came here asking for help, but for some reason I stopped reading after "this is unfortunately not possible with App Inventor", now I read again and I see that this is so much easy to do haha.
Thank you so much Taifun, your contribution here at the forum and on your website has been very helpful for me and for many others.