2017년 2월 13일 월요일

FM Receiver

FM Receiver


Hardware Installation

Part lists

Hardware Linking

Hardware linking is very easy, Grove - LCD RGB Backlight and Grove - I2C FM Receiver communicate over I2C, Grove - Button is a digital input, Grove - Rotary Angle Sensor is an analog input. So it can be linked as shown below.

Software Part

  • To download the demo code in github, click here.
  • Open the I2C_FM_RGB_LCD example sketch, compile and upload it to your board.
  • Press the button to start seeking FM and twist the Rotary Angle Sensor to adjust volume.

Tutorial Introduction

Tutorial Introduction

Here is the list of the Tutorial you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will be constantly updated.

WiFi Serial Transceiver Module

WiFi Serial Transceiver Module


In this tutorial, we’ll use a seeeduino to control the ESP8266 WiFi module to request a static page from the internet. This is a basic use of TCP socket, for other usage, please refer to the AT command guide of the module.
Material list:
We used a software serial to print some debugging information as there’s only one hardware serial on seeeduino board. But the limitation of software serial is that it can’t communicate in a higher baud rate than 19200. So part of the output from ESP module will be dropped because the baud rate 57600 of ESP module is higher than that of the software serial. If you have a board with more than one hardware serial (e.g. Arduino Mega 2560), the case will be easier.


  • Step 1: connect module as the following picture
  • Step 2: Programe the seeeduino board.
  • Open Arduino IDE and create a new sketch;
  • Parse the following code into the sketch editor (need modifying the SSID and PASS macros into your own situation);
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define SSID "xxxxxxxx" #define PASS "xxxxxxxx" #define DST_IP "" //baidu.com SoftwareSerial dbgSerial(10, 11); // RX, TX void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(57600); Serial.setTimeout(5000); dbgSerial.begin(9600); //can't be faster than 19200 for softserial dbgSerial.println("ESP8266 Demo"); //test if the module is ready Serial.println("AT+RST"); delay(1000); if(Serial.find("ready")) { dbgSerial.println("Module is ready"); } else { dbgSerial.println("Module have no response."); while(1); } delay(1000); //connect to the wifi boolean connected=false; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { if(connectWiFi()) { connected = true; break; } } if (!connected){while(1);} delay(5000); //print the ip addr /*Serial.println("AT+CIFSR"); dbgSerial.println("ip address:"); while (Serial.available()) dbgSerial.write(Serial.read());*/ //set the single connection mode Serial.println("AT+CIPMUX=0"); } void loop() { String cmd = "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\""; cmd += DST_IP; cmd += "\",80"; Serial.println(cmd); dbgSerial.println(cmd); if(Serial.find("Error")) return; cmd = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; Serial.print("AT+CIPSEND="); Serial.println(cmd.length()); if(Serial.find(">")) { dbgSerial.print(">"); }else { Serial.println("AT+CIPCLOSE"); dbgSerial.println("connect timeout"); delay(1000); return; } Serial.print(cmd); delay(2000); //Serial.find("+IPD"); while (Serial.available()) { char c = Serial.read(); dbgSerial.write(c); if(c=='\r') dbgSerial.print('\n'); } dbgSerial.println("===="); delay(1000); } boolean connectWiFi() { Serial.println("AT+CWMODE=1"); String cmd="AT+CWJAP=\""; cmd+=SSID; cmd+="\",\""; cmd+=PASS; cmd+="\""; dbgSerial.println(cmd); Serial.println(cmd); delay(2000); if(Serial.find("OK")) { dbgSerial.println("OK, Connected to WiFi."); return true; }else { dbgSerial.println("Can not connect to the WiFi."); return false; } }
  • Step 3: Open Serial Monitor and press the reset button of seeeduino board, you’ll see the output.
At last, Happy Hakcing! :)

Recipe Community is an awesome place where makers share their amazing works here. Our makers have made a lot of awesome projects with esp8266, check this out!
WiFi Scanner -Know the WiFi Signal around you
Build your own Wifi Scanner with few simple steps, all you need to do is prepare:
  • A NodeMcu Dev. Board
  • An I2C OLED.
  • Some cables
  • And most importantly, a HOT HEART ON ESP8266
Primary IoT Make with NodeMcu >ESP8266<
An online Temperature&Humidity Monitor made with:
  • A NodeMcu Dev. Board
  • Grove - Temp&Humi Sensor
  • Some cables
Another easy trick, why not make one for yourself?
Na, not enough? More Awesome Projects with ESP8266.
Even more Awesome Projects On Recipe

Help us make it better

Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
  • Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
  • Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
  • Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking

Bluetooth Multimeter

Bluetooth Multimeter


Bluetooth Multimeter is an intelligent peripheral of android phones, specially designed for engineers. Not only can it easily collect data such as voltage, current and resistance etc., this multimeter can also communicate with phones via bluetooth. Thus, the data gathered will be displayed on your phones. Continuous optimization of hardware and software guarantees this multimeter’s measurement accuracy.
Both its hardware and software are open source! Besides, we also provide API as well as detailed instructions, making this Bluetooth Multimeter an open platform for developers to use and re-develop more conveniently. It can gather data of various sensors, such as heartbeat, and then transmit it to smartphones for data-monitoring. The perfect combination of hardware and software provides infinite possibility for your application and exploitation.
This Bluetooth Multimeter features a built-in lithium battery and rechargeable circuit. Strict control of power consumption in the software ensures the easy application of this product. Acrylic shell makes it easy to assemble on the one hand, and makes the product stable and reliable on the other hand.


Voltage Measurement Range-30-30VDC
Voltage Measurement Precision3%
Current Measurement Range(Max)1A
Current Measurement Precision3%
Resistance Measurement Range10-1,000,000Ω
Voltage Measurement Precision5%
Work Temperature0-45

Product Overview

  • ①: USB Interface. Not only can provide the power, but also charge for the built-in battery. We select a lithium battery which capacity is 500mAh, it is expected to be able to use 10h.
  • ②:Programming connector for Serial Bluetooth.
  • ③:Bluetooth Multimeter power switch.
  • ④:Pairing indicator.
    Red indicator and blue indicator will flash alternatively — during pairing
    Blue indictor will flash — paired
  • ⑤:Charge indicator.
    Red indicator light - in charging
    Green indicator light - charge completely.
  • ⑥:Data transfer indicator. when transferring data, it will flash.
  • ⑦:Audio Connector for measuring the resistance.
  • ⑧:Audio Connector for measuring the voltage.
  • ⑨:Audio Connector for measuring the current.
  • ⑩:Current Gear Select Switch.

Work Chart

The Bluethooth Multimeter and Android device work sketch map as show below:


This Bluetooth Multimeter is a portable multimeter, a device that gathers the voltage, resistance and current. And it can sent these data to other devices via Bluetooth, so that we could observe the data through other devices. Next we will demonstrate you how to use it.
Pair phone and Bluetooth Multimeter
  • 1) Download the application program package:SmartMeter and install it.
  • 2) Then click the application icons of the SmartMeter to run, at the moment it will appear a Bluetooth permission request when you have not open phone bluetooth. Click “YES” to open bluetooth .
  • 3) After entering to UI interface, turn on the red application switch, it will display 0.0 on the screen.
  • 4) Click Bluetooth icon to select device.
  • 5) Please select BT MULTIMETER device to pair with your phone. While BT MULTIMETER device do not exit, you need to click “Scan for device” to search it.
Note: While there are neither BT MULTIMETER device to select nor the ”Scan for device” option to search, you can firstly use phone to paire with Bluetooth Multimeter and run the app after paired.
  • 6) Input “0000”(default for bluetooth multimeter) or “1234” for bluetooth pair. and you’d better observe the pairing indicator, helps you to judge whether the pairing is successful.
  • 7) Congratulations on your completing the paired.
Like other Multimeters, the bluetooth multimeter have several notes in using, for example: donot measure resistance when you supply power for it. So we suggest strongly you to read the notes of multimters for fear that the device cannot use normally.
Measure Resistance Now let’s measure resistance. When Android App and Multimeter are connected, choose resistance (i.e. move the cursor to Ω), Audio line connecte to the connector(marked R) of Bluetooth Multimeter.
Measure Voltage It’s very simple to measure the voltage. Just move the cursor of the Android App to V, and move the Audio line to VOL connector, then you can see the value of voltage.
The method of measuring current is as same as other multimeter. Need to remind you that select correct current range.
Note: It is necessary to check whether audio line is connected to corresponding connector and the cursor is in correct place in order to own precise data.


The UI Interface

We have three Android App UI for Bluetooth Multimeter.
UI 1.jpgUI 2.jpgUI 3.jpg
We consistency agreed that the color of the previous two versions are not bright, it should use the orange and black or red and black two multimeter universal tone; At the same time, We increase Hold button, Range button, dial (mA, A, Ω, V, OFF (optional) five stalls)in the yellow version. And We post about which version do you like. Below is the feedback information:

The Structure and Appearance

Effect Drawing
Printed Picture


Help us make it better

Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
  • Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
  • Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
  • Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking

433Mhz RF Link Kit

433Mhz RF Link Kit


The kit is consisted of transmitter and receiver, popular used for remote control.


  • Frequency: 433Mhz.
  • Modulation: ASK
  • Receiver Data Output: High - 1/2 Vcc, Low - 0.7v
  • Transmitter Input Voltage: 3-12V (high voltage = more transmitting power)
  • Receiver Input Voltage : 3.3-6V (high voltage = more receiving power)


The popular link is like this: MCU -> Encoder -> Transmitter ------ Receiver -> Decoder -> MCU
PT2262(Encoder) and PT2272(Decoder) are optional, their existence is to 1)avoid confusing when multiple RF links in range 2) isolate disturbance. You can integrate the encoding and decoding work to the MCUs on both side. Whenever there is no 315Mhz devices around, you may use it as direct cable connection.
Excuse for the documentation, we will work on them. Before that, please consult us for any details, we are happy to find the answer for you ^^ We tried them using the guide from Sparkfun, it’s compatible. The only difference is in package, of some excess GND pins.
More over, we will make more RF modules ourselves with different frequency and capacity. The next one in plan is based on cc1100 Please suggest us about your need :)


If you have questions or other better design ideas, you can go to our forum discuss.


  • Demo Scheme
  • VirtualWire 1.3
  • Documentation For 1.3
  • example from sparkfun
  • example running rf modules
  • TX module schematic


This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0 Source code and libraries are licensed under GPL/LGPL, see source code files for details. External Links
Links to external webpages which provide more application ideas, documents/datasheet or software libraries - RCSwitch - Arduino Library to control 433Mhz remote power sockets

Help us make it better

Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
  • Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
  • Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
  • Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking

MakerPro Introduction

MakerPro Introduction

Shenzhen is like the paradise of makers. As an open-source company which based in Shenzhen, SeeedStudio has the advantage and ability to sourcing and provide all the best resources to makers all around the world. MakerPro is the section where the products are not developed by Seeed, but sourcing directly from Shenzhen.
The following MakerPro product are available here:

Product List

Here is the list of the MakerPro Boards you can find in the Seeed WiKi. The list will be constantly updated.