what is the difference between AI2 and Thunkable?
see an overview about the different App Inventordistributions here: Overview: Different App Inventor Distributions and Versions
from this article http://www.i-programmer.info/news/98-languages/9509-thunkable-forks-mit-app-inventor-.html
So far the Thunkable team has added support for Google Maps and Material Design. Useful but not revolutionary. It also claims to be working on an iOS version, something made possible by the open sourcing of Apple's Swift language
btw. Material design also is possible using MIT AppInventor, see here Material Theme by Boban, so the only difference currently is the added Google Maps component...
if you are looking for an App Inventor distribution, which offers some more functionality, then you should look into Hossein's Appy Builder, see here http://appybuilder.com/
however all distributions do not offer the extension functionality up to now...
for more information concerning extensions see here: Announcing App Inventor Extension Components and an overview about available extensions see here https://puravidaapps.com/extensions.php
Thanks for the replies. I didn't realize there were so many flavours of AI.
Some of the flavors of AI and AI itself have proven itself to be maintained and developed. Others are there but little action can be seen. I left for instance a reply for the developers of Thunkable because it is so quiet on there website. Still no answer. Maybe they are really active but i cannot SEE it. They say on there website "Let's get in touch", but nothing happens. They also say on there website " You can use the many built-in app templates as they are, or make changes." but i don't see any templates built-in Thunkable.
I started making an app in Thunkable as a test and it was working great, but loaded it back into AI2 because i don't know what progress Thunkable is making.