2017년 3월 1일 수요일

How to access the image (Album Art ) from Mp3 files ?

I cant access the album art of mp3 files for my media player .Can somebody please help me ?

you could write your own extension and create a block yourself...

however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...

Thanks Taifun for the reply but i'm new to java .I only have previous experience with c++.Anyways i'lll try my luck with it..


Simple random Sounds

Please help I have been through some earlier posts but hey refer to AI1.
What I need help with is on how to create the blocks to use 1 player to play various other MP3 short sound files. I have tried a few methods but don't seem to get it working. I have so far used 1 media player component, about 5 media sound components and downloaded the mp3 files in designer without assigning them to the sound components, as I believe the trick is to assign them when doing the blocks and creating the random list? When something is clicked I want the different sound to play each time it is clicked.
Please someone show me how??????

Try this :)


I think your method might work, but I tried to simplify it a bit using advanced blocks as SID78 mentioned that he wanted one sound player.
Thanks a lot to both who replied very effective methods and happy with both. They work thanks for quick response and loads of respect to you all.


buttons positioning

Here the emphasis is positioning a button on the screen using different methods.

Thanks Scott. You are a legend !!!! This helped me a lot !!!!

+MR Warna :)

Your cursor keeps sliding very slowly in different directions. Were you on a boat when you made this?

that was, what I was looking for, much thx !

I always arrange everything with the Layout section - Horizontal Arrangement. Basically using them as individual wrappers for each section of the screen. You can check out my Diabetic Tracker project to see: http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/#5299413839773696

+Brad Page I agree that is best. And with the new responsive sizing features, PercentWidth and PercentHeight can be used to make layouts consistent across different devices.


you seem very familiar with the MIT app inventor I have a code already that functions with my project just few tweaks I need, a toggle switch can you help me please I can give more details shannondalebreaux@gmail.com

+Shannon Breaux
Search the MIT forum for your answer.
Someone recently posted a slide switch solution there.

no voice!

adding annotations...check back.

+Scott Ferguson Roger Sir!


How to place a button or text field anywhere on the screen

How can I move the button anywhere.  It seems when I add it, I can only start at the top of the screen

Yes it is. To organize buttons, labels and other components on the screen, you should use components Layout (Horizontal, Vertical and Table). Also explore the properties of these (align, height and width) and also the Sizing property of the Screen.


Label text too long

I have got another problem. When I have got a long list with names and set a label text to this list, it is to long to be displayed sometimes. Scrollable is on so I don't know what to do. Any Ideas?

The Label component can handle huge files.  You said you have the Screen.Scrollable set to true ?  That is what you need.

If setting Screen to scrollable does not work for you please provide an example and tell us how many items are in your List and show us how you are trying to display it.
The scrolling label should work.   If for some reason it does not, you might break your list so that only a certain number of items in the List display at a time (1-100)   then perhaps 101-200 etc.   

However, showing a VERY long list should be possible and an example might allow someone to provide additional advice.

set the label height to automatic

It 's set to automatic

Here is the situation
every name has his own index in the list


this might be a table arrangement issue
instead of a table arrangement use a vertical arrangement and horizontal arrangements inside and set all to height automatic

thx i thought it was a feature and not a bug xD
