2017년 6월 20일 화요일

Error 515 not connected to a device

Am  creating an app to drive a robot via Bluetooth . by using direction and accelerometer but once i try to lunch my app an error appears  "Error 515:  Not connected to a bluetooth device." and its keeps showing up even after the app is closed .i thought that the problem is when i used only one screen but the same error occurs when i have tried 2 screens .
Can any one help me with this .

At the present time, developers using bluetooth can not change screens.  Changing screens disrupts the bluetooth connection.   You solution does not include another screen.

You said "try to lunch my app."   is lunch a typo?  Do you mean launch?     or is this slang for something we do not understand.

Have you paired the two bluetooth devices?  

You might find Taifun's code snippets helpful 


launch sorry ,
am using only one bluetooth device  
when i disable the accelerometer block the app work properly but when i add it the error appears 

This is telling you a lot about the problem "when i disable the accelerometer block the app work properly."       There is something wrong in where you place that block in the event handler or something wrong with how you schedule a sequence of events.   If you would post the blocks where you disable the accelerometer, you would get specific advice.

App Inventor apps are event driven, which simply means one activity can only start after a previous activity has finished.  Therefore this could be a timing issue as a guess   or simply an issue of how much you process.

Are you using AI to control LegoMindstorms or an Arduino or what?     If you use the Search for topics block at the top of this page to the right of the colorful Google and input the search words, you can benefit by previous Forum discussions if you peruse the list of provided links.   How to do what you want might be discussed there.

i found where was the error and i solve it ,  we must do this condition for the error to disappear  


Is it possible to play video from remote URL in App Inventor Classic or App Inventor 2?

I tried a lot of things to make this work, but I'm not sure if there's a way for it to be done.

I'm trying to play a 50MB video from an URL, but when I run the app, it just stops working.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

Please post a screenshot of your relevant blocks so we can see what's happening.

Here it is, thanks.

I believe this is happening because you're trying to show that video when the screen initializes and before it's finished  Try putting a button on the screen, trigger the video from there, then hide the button.

I will try it, when I will have a phone to test (probably tomorrow) and then I will write.
Thanks for advice.

You should be able to test with the Emulator!

I do not believe the emulator too much :)

If you can use the emulator, it should work with your app and your app should work on it... it just takes a while to load.

If you want a faster emulator, check out http://www.genymotion.com.

So I tried it and it just does the same thing, but now when I click the play button.
After I click it the app stops working.

Did you get your video to play Dominik?

You can use the videoplayer to play videos from over the web, but you need to set the videoplayer source to the URL for the actual file.
Most videos you see on the web are hidden behind player interfaces.   We'll see what we can do in making the
videoplayer smarter about this, but currently you have to give the player the URL for the actual file.

For example, the URL in your screenshot  is

That's a php interface, not the URL of a file.  If you play around (point a browser to that  php page) you'll find that the
URL for the actual file is


If you use that as the source of the videoplayer, it will work.  Although the video took a long time to start when I tried it on my phone,.

Another thing you can do is to play the video with a Webviewer component.   The WebViewer browser is smart enough to use the php player, although you don't have the start and pause controls that you do with vodeoplayer.
(EDIT: this is not possible, see below!)

ANYONE:  Does anyone know a good source of actual URLs for streaming video files on the web (not hidden behind players)?

Another thing you can do is to play the video with a Webviewer component.   The WebViewer browser is smart enough to use the php player, although you don't have the start and pause controls that you do with vodeoplayer.
I always thought, the webviewer can't play videos?
I now tried that link in the webviewer and I can hear
audio, but there is no video displayed (using Nexus 5 running Android 4.2.2)?
(see attachment)

You're correct (as usual).   I thought I was seeing the video in webviewer when I tested it before, but looking at it now, I guess I was mistaken.   I hear the audio, but no video.   I do see the video with the videoplayer, and he actual file URL.

Hi, I did not make the video to work, everything that you have written is true - the webviewer plays only audio, I also tried the HTML5 video tag, it's the same as only the webviewer. The reason why i use php is that I need to change the source every week, but I think it should not be a problem, because the php automatically redirects it to the right source whatever the app is using it (because it's server side, not client side, so every client will accept it). The strange thing is that when I put the file to Player (audio) then the video is played allright (but only sound, not the video).

I don't have any sources in particular for videos, but the techniques at this site might be of help in getting the url of videos: http://all-streaming-media.com/faq/recording-media-stream/faq-get-media-stream-URL.htm
I have tinkered in the past with extracting live feed video urls from xml containers by downloading the containers then opening them to copy out the urls contained within.

Did this end up working for you????

Nope, I gave up

I just checked what I wrote in my message of March 9.  It looks like the video URL I referenced there:

Is now a dead link.  See if you can find a URL to another MP4 (they can be hard to find).  
Remember that it needs to be a link to the actual streaming mp4, not to a player.

Altenatively, you can play the video with the Webviewer component.

Or is this is a Youtube video, you can play this using the activity starter, as shown in the activity starter documentation.

Altenatively, you can play the video with the Webviewer component.
@Hal: unfortunately not, we already talked about that earlier in this thread, see again here Is it possible to play video from remote URL in App Inventor Classic or App Inventor 2?
there is only the video player solution or the activity starter solution currently

I've been busy lately with school, but I will figure it out. Tomorrow after school/work I'm going to try a url extracting program for streaming videos. I'm currently making an app for my county that includes multiple traffic cams/fire station radio/ Facebook forums and more.


Adding Standard Number to Time?

I want to start off by saying I never even knew of this program before today and have no experience. I would like to build this app for my use but I am getting stuck while trying to add a number to a time and I am unsure how to proceed.

I am trying to find the time you should arrive at point B from point A.

So far I have Miles * 60 / Speed = Minutes to arrive.

I would like to add Start Time + Minutes to arrive = Arrival Time.

The issue I have is figuring out a way to show the Arrival Time. 

So if my miles are 10.3 and my speed is 12 and my Start time is 11:07 I want my Arrival time to show 11:58.

Miles * 60 / Speed = Minutes
Start Time + Minutes = Arrival Time

Is there a way to get the number to add to a time and show the new time?

I would like to add Start Time + Minutes to arrive = Arrival Time.
use the clock component and its AddMinutes method, see also the documentation http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/sensors.html#Clock

A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook   http://www.appinventor.org/book2 ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page.  The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here http://www.appinventor.org/content/CourseInABox/Intro  and the aia files for the projects in the book are here:  http://www.appinventor.org/bookFiles  
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here:  http://www.appinventor.org/content/howDoYou/eventHandling  .

Also do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
 Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor

You will not find a tutorial, which does exactly what you are looking for. But doing the tutorials (not only reading a little bit) help you to understand, how things are working. This is important and this is the first step to do.

I am not using the current time for adding minutes, it is an inputted time. So if it is currently 10am and I am leaving at 11:16am I need to know what my arrival time is prior to the leaving time.

The Clock component is in the Designer's Sensors drawer.
Pull it in to the project anyway.
It has lots of time conversion, formatting, and manipulation blocks.


Help please

Hello guys. I'm in pain. How can I set my videoplayer source to a youtube video? I mean I don't want to open that youtube video in a browser or in a built in youtube app. But I want that video to play in my VIDEOPLAYER. Please. ASAP.

the videoplayer needs a video file for being able to play a video, see also here
which means, for Youtube videos you only can use the activity starter or the webviewer

To be able to play Youtube videos in the webviewer, you have to edit the manifest and add android:targetSdkVersion="14" or higher. Thank you Boban!

An explanation is in this tutorial how to use and find YouTube videos and play them with AI2
Corgi Video–a tutorial demonstrating how to view and use videos with AI2


Video Player Problems

I have a problem I am trying to create a video player app but ai can only upload a video size of 1mega byte Pls what can i do.

you can download the video on first run of the app from the internet or stream the video How to download a file and save it on your device

FAQ for Videos

I need to play a video that is in a URL using the VideoPlayer

Friends, I need to play a video that is in a URL. I do not want to open a web page but the file "pelicula.mp4" that is at http://www.misitio.com/videos. How should this be done? The file weighs 40 megs and that's why I can not upload it inside the APP.
I appreciate a guide on this issue.

See the Videos section of this FAQ:

Hi Blanca, in the link that indicates Abraham, you can get  Taifun and Boban post about WebViewer, in this post I have a small tutorial on how to do it.

WebViewer with Sound and Video.


Orientation sensor does not work on certain phones (Android 6)

I teach MIT App Inventor in a junior high school class for gifted students.
I recently noticed that apps with orientation sensor that work OK on Android 5 and below, don't work on Android 6.
I saw it on several phones, ranging from Doogee (chinese) to Samsung.
Commercial apps like Frisbee 2 work OK so this is not a hardware malfunction. Additionally, the accelrometer sensor is functioning but it is not as straightforward as the orientation sensor.
The problem persists both when using AI Comapnion and in the final version (apk).
Is there any solution / workaround for this?


Frequency Sound Recognize

Trying to make an app for a school project in which I have to play a sound and then the app would recognize the frequency of the sound.

I know that there is an extension called SoundAnalysis, but when I use that extension, there is a javascript error message, so i guess it isn't working anymore ;(

So, how could I get this accomplished?

How to avoid runtime errors with the companion app
1. After importing an extension, please restart the companion app.
2. If you like to use an extension on a different screen, in Screen1 additionally drag the extension into the working area.


WebViewer with Sound and Video.

WebViewer works with sound but not video.

In an early post Boban Stojmenovic wrote: 

"To be able to play Youtube videos in the webview you have to edit Manifest and add android:targetSdkVersion=14" or higher."

Let's try with video...

1.- We Build a simple app with a Button and WebViewer. Upload to app a HMTL file: reproductor.htm, in this file is video address:

2.- In Block WebViewer.GoToUrl: file:///android_asset/reproductor.htm

3.- Build / App (save .apk to my computer)

4.- With AppToMarket_v41.zip (Developed by M. Hossein Amerkashi) we will modify AndroidManifest.xml file in .apk

5.- AppToMarker, button 3> Edit Manifest, insert this line:

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="14" />

6.- Then click  buttons 3> Create New .apk, 4> Sing, 5> Verity and 6> Zip Align, we get  p127H_visorweb_video_new_zipAlign.apk file

- You can install  apk file by this QR

If you are not using Windows (OK I mean if you are using Linux)

then APKTool is your weapon of choice, a little more complicated but it works :)


need help for a project

i have to do graph on the application but i don't know how to built the blocs or the screen. so if someone can help me i'll be happy.
i need to view Something like that on the screen but with random value:


AI2, JavaScript API Chart.js. Statistical graphs, bars, lines, pie. Easy.

by JavaScript API Chart.js you can build statistical graphs, lines, pie, bars,...

You need upload to your app Chart.bundle.js and utils.js files, then JS get datas by

var datos = window.AppInventor.getWebViewString(); 
      datos = datos.split(",");
  // data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3], 
         data: datos,
You can write numbers in TextBox and then click in "Pulsa" Button.

great examples!

earlier I also played around with the chart.js library, see also https://puravidaapps.com/pie.php
your example shows very nice, what else is possible using that library!

Thank you Taifun, great work with Extensions in your site.


search results for 2 Stop Watches: START and STOP to STOP and START

The only thing that happens automatically in Screen2 is to start the Player. If you remove the Player1.Start block does the everything else work OK?
When clock1.Timer() do { set clock1.TimerEnabled to false set clock2. TimerEnabled to true }
Hello,. I've programmed an app to start or to stop a (radio)stream, to which you can listen. If you press play, the button play disappears and the button ...
Many thanks for your response. Somehow the emulator started working already. Kind regards,. Jorge. El 23/03/2014, a las 09:10 pm, Jos Flores ...
3/24/14 by Jorge Guzmán - 5 posts by 4 authors 335 views
I have 2 Stop Watch Clocks: This is how it's supposed to work > Clock 1 Starts then Clock 2 Stops and if Clock 2 Starts Clock 1 Stops but, when either ...
You can not make an App Inventor app that will stop playing its musing when you un-plug the earphone. AI2 has no control to monitor the status of the ...
Another way to do it is to call the button btnStartStop,. with btnStartStop.Text initially set to "Start". When btnStartStop is clicked, test if btnStartStop.
I can confirm this issue on Nexus 5 running Android 5.0.1: after pressing Start - Stop - Start - Stop in the Blocks Editor the following window appears:.
you can use a logcat app only, if your device is rooted. I normally use Eclipse and Logcat there, but if you have installed the App Inventor Software ...
So for that first time when you press ball1 and if you get it on hole it'll check for ball 2. it'll start ball2 if that one is not enable but in the same time ball1 ...
I want to use app inventor 2 to create a menu controller handset (1st) device to command the (2nd) paired device to start it's camera video function.
Hello everyone,. I'm trying to create a simple game to demonstrate some psychological concepts and I want players to be able to drag labels onto ...
Use the Player component instead of the Sound component. Player can catch the end-of-sound event. Sound can't. Instead of using the awfully named ...
Hi everybody,. I just want to pay a Video that pauses and starts by tapping on the screen. Who can help me or just write such a app? thanks for answer.
App Inventor 2 >> Mac OSX 10.7.5 >> Safari or Chrome >> >> The emulator does not start because AIstarter is not starting >> automatically on my Mac ...
to find out more about the Runtime Error, you can use Logcat. I normally use Eclipse and Logcat there, but if you have installed the App Inventor ...
With App Inventor you can't really just stop your game action at any given moment - say if the phone actually rings and you have to take the call - and ...
Hello,. Today I will show you how to control a Ev3 robot with a Pan/Tilt. First of all, you 2 Buttons and a list picker pulls in the Designer. Call the list ...
If I use the 2 additional sets of blocks in the STOP blocks method then it works. Seems to me I shouldn't have to use those 2 block lines I added.
Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) Operating System: Windows 7 Browser: Chrome Device: Galaxy note 2 Connection: Emulator Issue:
Hello App Inventor Community, Some of my students are trying to create an App that starts playing music with the click of a button and then has the ...
you can't use math blocks to calculate with date and time. to get the difference between two times, use the Duration method of the Clock component ...
Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) Operating System: Windows 7 Browser: Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m Device: Kindle Fire Connection: WiFi ...
akfcs.org > > Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) > > Operating System: Windows 7 > > Browser: chrome 30.0 > > Device: emulator ...
I use MIT App Inventor 2 / Windows 7 / Chrome version Version 31.0.1650.63 m. I' m trying to play http h264 video stream in VideoPlayer component.
I am trying to make a timer or stop watch app. I just want it to count seconds when I press Start and see it count up. Another variation would be to have ...
Hello Taifun, Sorry to bother you again. I have another question. How do I track out the distance between the ball start and stop. I tried several way but ...
To 'play', I assume a key starts playing a sound file. In App Inventor, when you play the sound multiple times, I imagine the sound file must finish ...
I made an app and its working but at some time it starts showing some error message like - "Segment: Start (1) + length (2) - 1 exceeds text length (0)" ...
Hi, Wondering if anyone can help me? I have created a simple stopwatch app that includes a start, stop and reset button. I am looking to add a lap ...
I think your only options are Player Start, Stop and Pause. If you just need to know where a certain point in time is for playback... You could set up a ...
AI 2 does not have a progress bar. In other programming languages, a moving line display is usually called a Progress Bar and is a standard control; ...
A have an app, based on take quiz. Now i want the app to stop iterating through a list after the last question do display the resulting score. After an ...
What virus checker are you using on your phone? That could block. Have your Firewall connections changed on your PC recently? Here are a large ...
Before that, we will provide a tool that will provide help in translating existing App Inventor projects to App Inventor 2. But if you are starting new ...
2) post it to a TinyWebDB apparently in what you think is real time then you. 3) graph it on a canvas on the Android ??.. I can not tell from the blocks if ...
Hello,. I want develop an app for public transport in my country (bus). The data I have is: The bus line ex.: Line 7. Stop 1: Station, lat,long. Stop 2: ...
So I want to press a start button for any file and a stop button (I don't need pause and maybe I don't need a stop button either for such a short 1 or 2 ...
Email: jos...@intercity.org > > Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) > > Operating System: Windows 7 > > Browser: chrome > > Device: emulator
@Guido: what exactly happens, after you start the built app on your device? Can you elaborate? Did you do the Pizza Party tutorial? Build the Pizza ...
Date Submitted: Sun Nov 24 2013 07:59:04 GMT-0500 (EST) >> Email: scott...@ gmail.com >> >> Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) >>
Heating has manual control and 2 timed controls (Start/Stop 1 and Start/Stop 2). Bluetooth connection is automatic at start-up, and will automatically ...
Heating has manual control and 2 timed controls (Start/Stop 1 and Start/Stop 2). Bluetooth connection is automatic at start-up, and will automatically ...
Are you coding in App Inventor 2 David? The instructions you found are for App Inventor Classic. The correct instructions for downloading an AI2 aia ...
There suddenly been tons stop start/stop lag whilst putting the blocks in or clicking off and it happened today. 03/12/2015.
The goal of this app is to make a slide-show using 2 screens: 1st screen serves to insert argumnts. The 2nd is to manage the slide show. Arguments ...
If you are sending long messages, and you start receiving mid-message,. I imagine you could receive the end of a message. If that is a possibility, you ...
I tried your test app again without any errors. I press Start, the song starts, I press Start again, the song restarts. I press Stop, the song stops, I press ...
On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Caymon <da...@gmail.com> wrote: MIT App Inventor 2 (aiStarter is installed) Windows 7 Latest version of Chrome
Using AI 2. I just added a background to my "Screen1" and it shows up just fine in my designer, exactly how I want the program to look. However when ...
I'm new on the forum, and I am creating an app with app inventor 2. my app is on several screens and the problem is that I need a variable equal on ...
of launching App Inventor 2 before the end of the year, and we're excited to >> see usage of AI2 picking up: More than 100000 users have joined ...
Hi together,. I have read (Dez 2014), that for the Video Player it´s not possible to star playing automatically (without user´s interaction) or contol ...
Hey all,. Very new to App Inventor (couple days in) and I'm trying to build my first app. I want it to be a game that has a wheel component similar to ...
... and short test-code (Arduino Due), than noted down the messages from Notifier. Arduino 2 code is: void setup() { Serial3.begin(115200); // Bluetooth }
i do but it wont play. it says that the stop command should stop and return to the start of the media file. is there a way to refresh the comand?
step 2 : on your android device AndExplorer opens and you can navigate into the device's storage to select an mp3 file (but you can select any kind of ...
Maybe I am way over complicating things (my prior programming experience dosen't always help in App inv 2) thinking about needing a timer and ...
Hi, I hope someone can give me a hand with this issue,. I'm making an Radio stream app with 10 screens. player component is on screen4 with ...
Pass colors index and colors variables to screen 2 and then foreground changes. go back to screen one using close screen works. I just cant get the ...
2. A list of only the sprites you want to fade passed as parameter in the fading procedure. 3. The images with normalized filenames (exactly like we did ...
Hello,. I have a problem with this program. This program would be used to get a YouTube video URL while beeing connected to a cellular connection, ...
I start a video in fullscreenmode. When I presse "pause" the video doesn't stop. ( My device: samsung s5 with android 5.0) It alos doesn't work on sony ...
UTC+2, ο χρήστης Hal Abelson έγραψε: Do it with time: Set a specific power level and check how long it takes to turn a certain angle. Then set a timer ...
2) use the SavedRecording block to change the folder and the name of the audio. 3) start recording, stop recording. 4) save the file name and the ...
To get tight timing some people use sprites on a canvas. for buttons, to tale advantage of the touch up and. touch down events. If you prefer buttons, ...
2. do something after two seconds. 3. do something for two seconds. I found just the first kind: the block: "when clock timer" connects with: "another ...
There have been no changes to App Inventor Classic associated with the release of App Inventor 2. What "automatic update" with your surface pro do?
Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) Operating System: Windows 7 Browser: Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m Device: emulator Connection: ...
To delete address from list: Allow user to select an address from the displayed addresses in the ListPicker. Once an address is selected, then you have ...
Use the Canvas.DrawLine block, and start it in touch down, draw it in dragged, and stop it in touch up.
use the touchdown and touchup events of the button. in the touchdown event start the image sprite to move, in the touchup event stop the image sprite.
Look at the CheckerPiece.Dragged block at the start of the following > video < that is how you drag an ImageSprite. When you lift your finger it will stop ...
What you could do, is give your sprite Billy a speed, point it to the direction of x,y ( use the call ImageSprite.PointTowards target block). Start a Clock ...
Sorry Luis. If you used the Delete button, the Project is gone. That is the bad news. The good news is you have an old back-up. Start re-coding from ...
The model of event processing in App Inventor by Lyn. use a clock component. after setting the output text start the clock and inside the clock.timer ...
use the Webviewer.GoToUrl method to go to a target URL. start displaying a waiting progress bar. use a clock component and check each 500 ...
This could be an issue with Chrome. My experience is that Chrome becomes a bit unstable the longer you have a Window open --the memory it uses ...
Forum users are requested to ask questions in the forum and to reply to users in the forum; not by email. Kathy responded by email: Thank you, I do ...
I don't believe you can reset the clock interval back to it's start...it needs to finish doing it's thing even if you stop the clock...see ...
4 possible moves per cell. If there is a wall between 2 cells, do not include that. move in the move table. Moves: 1,1,Right. 1,1,Down. 1,2,Left. 1,3,Right.
... wrote: > Date Submitted: Sun Jan 19 2014 10:49:15 GMT-0500 (EST) > Email: > > Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) > > Operating System: ...
gmail.com > > Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) > > Operating System: Windows 7 > > Browser: Chrome > > Device: Samsung Galaxy S3 ...
Hi Team, I need a basic sms sending app which need to have a txt box to enter the phone number and 2 buttons 1 as in "START" and 1 as in "STOP".
Osama, would you please stop putting your text in bold? It offends me. First, you did not follow the pointers I gave you, otherwise it would be three ...
Are you using MIT App Inventor Classic, MIT App Inventor 2, or something else ( what?) - What OS are you using? (eg, MacOS 1.8, Windows 8, ...).
Phone show me an error message... Aps stop working. OK for exit. to find out more about the Runtime Error, you can use Logcat. I normally use ...
2) Use the LocationSensor. You could start, save the current location, then step away until an algorithm you code determines you are 27 feet away ...
verizon.net >> >> Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) >> >> Operating System: Windows Vista >> >> Browser: Firefox 25.0.1 >> >> Device: ...
1:1-2-3-4...,2:1-2-3-4...3:1-2-3-4...4:1-2-3-4...5:1-2-3-4...6:1-2-3-4...7:1-2-3-4...ecc ecc. so i want to set a custumizable variable that set how much ...
App Inventor won't open my project when I click on it. And when I think it will work, the browser freezes and it gives me the option to stop a script.
Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) Operating System: Windows 7 Browser: Chrome 31 Device: emulator Connection: N/A Issue: Emulator will ...
Image is attached with the error. I would start up the aiStarter, and let the companion app load in the emulator. It would start running, and start getting ...
Hi,. Wondering if anyone can help me? I have created a simple stopwatch app that includes a start, stop and reset button. I am looking to add a lap ...
Hello I get help from Taifun to get my stream running in my app I can see now the cam with active starter...so thats working. But it starts up the app vlc ...
speed1 = number;. speed2 = number;. speed3 = number;. speed4 = number;. break;. case '1': speed1 = number;. break;. case '2': speed2 = number;.
Spent quite a few hours trying work out where the bug is in my simple time difference routine, which I want to incorporate into a larger programme.
Hello People,. Let´s make a radio app! 1st: Drag a ListPicker or a ListView component into the viewer, go to the Properties and add a few channels to ...
Hi all,. I'm designing my first app (going great) to listen to an online stream of creepypasta stories. The app simply consists about a play, pause and ...
It's possible I downloaded AI 2 and I'm using a book that was published in 2013. It says it 'covers new MIT version'. Is there much if a difference ...
A good start to learn how to work with fusiontables is the Pizza Party with Fusion Tables for App Inventor 2 tutorial. to look up results from your ...
Does that happen when you use the back button or the home button or both? If it only happens with the back button, you can use Screen1.
You can use WebViewer + html5 Audio tags. http://www.w3schools.com/html/ html5_audio.asp. You can test my Sample app: ...
I am thinking that three global variables will be required and a clock timer set to 100 ms. Have the sprite move using Speed and Heading. Set a global ...
Unfortunately there is no panacea Meg. AppToMarket does create huge issues for some developers Discussions are here ...
Hello! I'm looking for an app that is a SHARED stopwatch. I want to be able to have 2 different people looking at the same stopwatch. These two ...
Are you using MIT App Inventor Classic, MIT App Inventor 2, or something else ( what?) - What OS are you using? (eg, MacOS 1.8, Windows 8, ...).
At the age of 75 I've decided to teach myself how to write apps for my smartphone but, after reading your reply, its clear that I don't understand as much ...
You could perhaps start by creating a Clock with an interval of 1000ms. Create a counter, set it's initial value to 30 and display it in a Label. Drag out a ...
7/10/15 by Scott Ferguson - 4 posts by 3 authors 115 views
See Abraham's response for AfterSoundRecorded block - the block that gets. SoundRecorder. Multimedia component that records audio.
gmail.com >>> >>> Service: MIT App Inventor (App Inventor 2) >>> >>> Operating System: Windows Vista >>> >>> Browser: Firefox 26.0 ...
... must provide the following >> > information: >> > - Are you using MIT App Inventor Classic, MIT App Inventor 2, or >> > something >> > else (what?) ...
I have 2 question about ai. 1. I am watching a tutorial https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=SC-E8jFPPsY here of speech recognition and the time of ..
So I'm trying to build a stopwatch app and it doesn't seem to work correctly. It just freezes up on me when I try to run it on my phone. Before, it seemed ...
Is it possible to control 2 different IP addresses with one app? I need to control 2 devices with different IP addresses at the same time to just do the ...
thats the error i get ( excluding where the audio file goes to). im trying to record a phonecall and have my app start recording when i get a phone call ...
Hi everibody! I have two problems in my simple app with App Inventor2 and I need all your help. I have spent a lot of time but I cannot solve this ...
But if I run btn2click by clicking the button 2 manually timer works as expected till the second loop starts – after that there is -2 seconds problem again.
Hello all,. I'd like to be able to play and record an audio file. I'd like to be able to move forward and backward in the file, playing any part of the file at ...
So here is what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to capture the yValue from my Accelerometer on my Tablet and put it into separate labels at a set time ...
... was not in the fight place. I attached what I have right now, elementary, but exciting. button 1 is a start and button 2 is a reset. please see attachment;.
I have small problem. I have 5 screens: 1 screen - start screen with button "play". 2 screen - level 1. 3 screen - level 2. 4 screen - level 3. and 5 screen ...
Just out of curiosity, what kind of app needs 500 sounds? App Inventor seems to fail when there's a big number of anything, even if the memory is still ...
To start the app on my phone right? yes... can you start it somewhere else? But when I start logcat I doesn't stop automatically. yes, it will continue to ...
Hi everyone,. I want to send a String to my Android Device using a bluetooth module. The String will look similar to this: "#123:456:789\n". Where # is ...
I'd like help. The attached program will stop midway. Indicated by a program that the message is received, but will not start the LocationSensor, only ...
Hello I am trying to set up a button were you click on the button and were every u click on the canvas it will draw a circle to the size of were you drag it ...
I am coming to AI2 from a course in IOS5 / xcode a bunch of years ago. I see no tables or table view type of functionality. Can someone get me thinking ...
We had several things at play but as far as I can tell these seem to be the 2 main things: 1. The old app inventor software from version 1 was not ...
The Buttons 1 and 2 toggle between the activation of the simple default collision blocks and the modified version suggested here. Switching between ...
This App is still in the making but i'd like to share how I broke the limits of the canvas edge. This is probably the oldest trick in the book! All I did was ...
the starter wont stop looping. it keeps saying "system cannot find path specified." it then proceeds to start the process again, leading to the same result.
When I hit start the countdown does not start and when I hit stop a few seconds later the message appears saying "out of time" any ideas?
I had a lot of work to transfer the project from old app inventor version to version 2 . There are no big pictures or mediafile inside project, the created ...
Here are my blocks : When 'Zoom' clicked there are 3 activities queued : 1. Zoom in; 2. Display Toolbar and if llines/labels list is not empty 3. Redraw.
You are not closing screens as you move from one to another. When you leave a screen, you should close it to free memory. Not closing screens ...
2,page2.jpg,Read1.mp3,70300 3,page3.jpg,Read1.mp3,300600 4,page4.jpg, Read2.mp3,0150 As you can see: page numbers (which you actually do ...
Here is my take on this: If I want a delay of x ms between displaying message #1 then message #2, I would use a Clock component: set the interval of ...
Radius = sqrt((Ax - Cx)^2 + (Ay - Cy)^2). Now we need to get the angles of points A and B on the circle relative to the center of the circle:.
** it is for a predetermined list, that is established when you created the app ** What do you mean with it? The TinyDB? Although I cannot find it in ...
how can i get them each in a separat variable like "line 1" , "line 2" ... can i use ? " select list item" list >. index >. and then i have to get for each variable ...
There are seven buttons to press 0 thru 6 and 2 thru 6 work but for some reason 0 & 1 give this error when pressed. It is just these two buttons that are ...
yes, that could work. cheers, José On 10 April 2014 13:30, thebostonguy wrote: > I hv completed d tutorials.. d problem I m facing is I cannot store al d ...
Set the screen AlignHorizontal to Center. Make the canvas wider than the device screen by at least twice the width of the car. Stage the car.X at 1 (so it ...
in the notifier.AfterChoosing event. 1. showProgessDialog. 2. start the clock. in the clock.Timer event. 1. stop the clock. 2. call procedure TestNumber.
What you should do, is set a timer when the second (unequal picture) is shown, for example for 2 seconds. Then, when the timer fires, you can hide ...
MIT is aware of this issue and trying to find a solution. While they try to stop this from happening I suggest you make a copy of your Project (aia) before ...
Tim,. Look at the .aia attached for a solution to the LV problem. It is really, really the same as the ListPicker solution, because they work almost the ...
Width = 320W/System.err( 3592): Form.setChildWidth(): width = -2 parent Width = 320 child = com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.
And I just made you a video to help explain! It is a bit more complicated as you can see, and a bit of proof of concept at the same time, developing on ...
You do not have to shout at me. I told you to wait!! I cannot even load your app, so I cannot look at it. Here is an app that almost works. - You can select ...
Elias, you need a Clock and Label1.TextColor to = red and a Label1.TextColor to = black. Have you read this book? We want you to have fun with App ...
You want to start the two devices automatically repeating once a button has been pressed? Like a reciprocating engine? Here's how to get both data ...
Sure. Android uses a default handler for NFC, so you will never stop it from reacting as it is now. The only thing you can do is ignore those messages ...
I am trying to make an app that will play a video while the phone is shaken but when the shaking stops or slows down SIGNIFICANTLY then a new ...
I took some more time to read your blocks. You are using lists of lists to store your board. I suggest you avoid recursion by adding a heat propagation ...
Your timer is already counting down at 2 seconds per tick, right? (Correct my math if I am wrong.) So each clock timer tick set label.Text to Label.Text - ...
I downloaded a 3rd party NFC tag which used to be very stable and has only 2 buttons: Read from and Write to the tag. I start the app and am not ...
1, use the advanced blocks, see some examples here. https://puravidaapps.com/ checkbox.php. https://puravidaapps.com/quiz.php. 2. use the ...
1. send string a. 2. start a clock component, timer interval = 10000ms. 3. in the clock.timer event stop the clock and send string b. Taifun ...
You started the media file with a 'start' did you? I guess you must be able to spot the stop-block too. It's right there :-)
Thank you for your reply Ghica,. Per your advice, now I'm only setting the screen orientation, canvas size, total_score and this_hole display sizes in the ...
We want you to have fun with App Inventor so here are some resources to help you learn to use the AI2 tools, reading the Inventor's Manual (link ...
In a nutshell, the idea of using the FusionTables: Got Result and Web:Got Text works fine for timing subsequent actions without having Google slam on ...
I make a premise: before posting this question I have searched the forum an answer with negative results, I tried "video preview" my question is as ...
so an App Inventor app running in the background works for you? interesting! Which means, you close the app (Home button). The app keeps running ...
Hi guys,. In my code below, i have a DO loop on the left block, It does 5 times: - set AccValueLabel to XAccel value. - place the XAccel value into global ...
The second text displays because the first does not have time to display. You would need to insert a delay between those statements using a clock ...