...I'm in need of assistance... a few months ago I've bought AI Personal Server from a guy called Jose Mª Martin <xcitizen.team@gmail.com > ... It's a decent enough project but, as I later found out, has same issues which need to be fixed... the problem is that, now, despite the fact that I've paid €99 for the software, Mr. Martin has disappeared into oblivion, does not reply to mails and even his web page has been removed.
One of the problem in his AI Personal Server is, for example, that he's "forgotten" to add the Button FontSize feature in the block editor...
Now... is there a way to go around this problem with some other component whithin block editor, is there a way to implement this feature in the AppInventor software itself or is there anything else I coud do?
I don't understand your question. Do you want a workaround for button font size to use with personal server?
You'll have to get in touch with him or download and update the code here: https://github.com/xcitizen/appinventor
Basically YES! there are other issues which need to be fixed but that one is definately one of the most important... what I was hoping to do is to find a way to change Button FontSize without having the usual "normal" feature working... Either by using some king of special procedure within BlockEditor or by, somehow, fixing the code of AI Personal Server itself.
There are web sites where you can create and download your own
button images (with your text) for free.
If you are expecting only a fixed set of button texts, consider pre-building
As I mentioned, the guy who sold me the software, has better things to do then answering customers requests for help.
I've attached a screen shot of the missing component...
There isn't much anyone can do to fix the code, other than the author. Hossein points to a GitHub repository but we cannot know for sure if that's the code used for the service you are using.
Only way is for you to contact the person, or for you to move on and use some other service, but you'll probably have to create your app again, as the service you are using might use non standard components.
May I suggest a possible work-around?
I see in your screen shot you have the ability to change button images on the fly.
them as images and leave the buttons text-free but with variable images.
Thank you all for your support!
..and thank you, Abraham... that's a good ieda! I'll try it out! ;)
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