Any suggestion?
Please read this announcement... It's linked from the Red notice box in the App Inventor 2 Splash Screen...
Thanks for your answer, Enis!
I've read there are some problems so I'll be patient.
MIT App Inventor still has issues with the Google Cloud Storage, as mentioned in the red splash screen which results in missing assets, see also here
What you can do meanwhile is
1. wait until these issues are fixed, or
2. install a personal server and work completely offline.
Krupong just updated AI2U, version 2.3 is now identical to the MIT App Inventor version nb139c as of Dec 13. Just download the 32 or 64 bit version here , install it, start AI2U and your own personal server is up and running! Then just open your browser using the address http://localhost:8888 . That's all.
And btw. with your own personal server you also will be able to build projects larger than 5 MB. So what are you waiting for?
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