What I wanted to know was: Is it possible to set the time in the app to be GMT+0 regardless of where you are in the world?
you could get that time from an API, for example this one https://developers.google.
Maybe a good idea for someone who knows what they are doing! Lol. I have no idea how to set something like that up. Are there any other ways of doing it that are more simple?
Merry Christmas!
Simple? App Inventor is not simple, it is merely convenient to use to program for a small subset of things that can be done on an Android device.
Here are different ways programmers using other various Android languages can determine the time zone of the device an app is being run on. https://www.google.com/search?q=android+find+time+zone&oq=android+find+time+zone&aqs=chrome..69i57.4415j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
How you get that information to work with Ai2 is your holiday assignment Jon. Do some reading about it, have some fun and when you get a solution, post your conclusions.
Merry Christmas,
to work with APIs is not too complicated, see also
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