i have to push a button on a webform,
<div class="buttonBar">
<button type="submit" class="button" title="Send the message"><span class="caption">Send</span><
<p id="isatPhone_validationMsg"><
inputs i can make, the agree button i can click, but how to push this button ?
here the Snapshot:
and attached the .aia
and attached the .aia
the problem is that i cant see, if the "send" button was pushed ...
when i start the app, i get the first view, datas are in and agree is pushed too,
but after i pushed manualy the send button, a get the "Thank you" notify ... then it is sended ...
looks like, the submit do not work ... ?!?
then i push SEND by hand
I'm glad you like my example
concerning your question, see my answer here https://puravidaapps.com/inject.php#q
thanks for your answer,
i believed that there is a ID for the SEND button, in line 73 of the Sourcecode of the page...
i believed that there is a ID for the SEND button, in line 73 of the Sourcecode of the page...
70 <div class="buttonBar">
71 <button type="submit" class="button" title="Send the message"><span class="caption">Send</span><span class="ico">the message</span></button>
73 <p id="isatPhone_validationMsg"></p>
74 </div>
70 <div class="buttonBar">
71 <button type="submit" class="button" title="Send the message"><span class="caption">Send</span><
73 <p id="isatPhone_validationMsg"><
74 </div>
if i have to use on of the line 71, which on i shold try to use
so that i can use simple codes in Inventor ?
what the hell is : <p id="isatPhone_validationMsg">
in line 73
the class starts with <div class="buttonBar">
the the button wih type, class and title, in between class="caption" ...
then this <p id="isatPhone_validationMsg"> and finish with /div
is this the ID i have to "click" on ?
70 <div class="buttonBar">
71 <button type="submit" class="button" title="Send the message"><span class="caption">Send</span><span class="ico">the message</span></button>
73 <p id="isatPhone_validationMsg"></p>
74 </div>
70 <div class="buttonBar">
71 <button type="submit" class="button" title="Send the message"><span class="caption">Send</span><sp
73 <p id="isatPhone_validationMsg"><
74 </div>
p =paragraph http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_paragraphs.asp
that's just an empty paragraph and has nothing to do with the button itself
PS: btw. this is an App Inventor forum
for HTML and JavaScript questions please ask somewhere else. thank you.
i have no idea how to push this "Send" button, without a ID.
Do you have ? 25 is ok for a professional help and working code.
I know that the EZSat and the SatWay apps also can send sms to all the satellites ...
So why not me ?
so with your support i can now extrakt datas from source code of web pages nad send them by sms to Satellite phones.
still one problem :
the message is only one line, no /p or </br> is usable
how can it maybe solved to make multi line messages for the inject message value
line 1 is this
line 2 is this and line 3 is here
and so one ...
any idea ??
try \n
no it do not work, it is destroing the message and the inject too
wenn i exchange the \n with ... it loks like ... below
with \n nothing is happen
the message is only one line, no /p or </br> is usable
try <br>
and something else to try http://stackoverflow.com/a/8627926/1545993
let us know, if you get it working...
☞ inject.aia
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