Is there anyway someone from AppInventor can restore my blocks for an app I was working on? Perhaps from last week? I opened it up today and almost all of it is gone. Entire Procedures and variables just disappeared randomly. I failed to back it up.
Can anyone help me? I love using App-Inventor but this would really be a downer if I cannot recover any of these blocks :(
it seems to be, you learned the hard way how important it is to backup frequently!
see the following tips and in your case especially #6
1. switch screens correctly
3. avoid redundancy
probably it helps to read chapter 19 - 21 in Dave's book to get an idea how to do DRY programming with App Inventor
4. reuse your components, see also Building apps with many screens and!msg/mitappinventortest/YBAfURWv-tY/Ivqx6XcmDgAJ
6. Backup your project frequently, see also
Hi Jonathan,
Did you receive an error when you loaded the project and nothing is appearing? Or are some blocks there and some blocks not?
If you send me an email with the email address you use for your Google account and the exact name of the project I can try to pull the project to see if there are any problems with the file, but there's not much we can do beyond that.
Hello Evan,
There was/is no error, except that the blocks that reference the missing blocks show things like" Select a Valid Item in the drop down". Some blocks have disappeared and some have not. It looks like it would if I had went through and just deleted the blocks (which I have not). I thought I had replied to you on Friday but now I cannot see my response, so maybe I didn't hit post or something. But anyways, I have sent you the information you requested.
Thanks again,
Thanks again,
Just checking to see if you have been able to take a look yet Evan,
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