I have been using App Inventor 2 on school computers for a year. For the last 4 days every time I try to access http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/ I get the followng message:
The ai2.appinventor.mit.edu page isn’t working
ai2.appinventor.mit.edu redirected you too many times.
I have tried the following:
clearing cookies twice
changing browsers chrome and firefox (latest versions)
changing the google account it is linked to
tried on other computers in the same school network
So far nothing has worked, any ideas?
Hi Glen,
Could you try the following and let me know what happens?
1. Open a new private browsing window.
2. Browse to http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/login/google
3. At this point you will be redirected to appengine.google.com to provide your login information to Google.
4. After logging in you will be prompted to select the Google account to use with App Inventor (there should only be the one you just logged in)
5. Proceed to App Inventor.
At what number do you end up in the redirect loop?
Also, do you encounter any problems with this account outside of the school? This could indicate that there was a change to your school network's configuration that is incorrectly caching the redirect and resulting in the erroneous loop.
Thanks for the reply Evan. I went through your steps and I get the redirect loop after step 3.5. I log in to the google account but I don't get to choose an account in step 4, it just goes straight to the redirect.
I have 2 google accounts that I have tried and they both work outside the school.
The school does block Google docs and Google drive though, this has always been the case. I have been using App inventor for a couple of years without that being an issue though.
I also tried the accounts off the school network last night and they work fine.
My guess is that something has changed on the school network side that is causing this so I just might log a job with them to see if they can resolve it, unless you have any other ideas?
Thanks for the response.
The fact that it works just fine outside of the school really suggests to me that it's probably a configuration issue at the school. Although, if they are blocking Docs and Drive, then it may be intentional. When I follow this procedure, steps 3 and 4 are at appengine.google.com, and have nothing to do with App Inventor, so this will likely affect any other service you use that attempts to authenticate via Google.
Just to add to the confusion. I was just about to log a job with tech and I had another go and I got in. When I entered though I got a service agreement pop up from app inventor which I have never had before. Once I clicked through the agreement I was able to access App Inventornormally.
OK, everything was looking good again. So I thought I would close down my browser and try again (just to double check). Back to the redirect loop it went. Have tried again several times (no luck). Is there a URL that forces the service agreement to pop up?
You can access it directly via http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/Ya_tos_form.html , but that's not really expected behavior (and the link is subject to change). We did do a release a few minutes ago which is why you may have gotten the display. Are you sure it was the terms of service and not the normal splash/welcome screen we display?
Have logged a job with the school and am awaiting their reply. I tried the link you suggested and pressed on the accept button and I get this page <http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/ode/accept_tos > But nothing comes up (just all white screen). Thanks for your help.
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