I am creating a simple app that will connect users who want to buy and sell 2nd-hand university text books. I will require 2 tables, both with +-1000 rows. One is user data (username and pass) and another is a list of books at my university that can be selected to buy or sell by the user. I am unsure where to store the data. Am I correct when I say the only options are TinywebDB or Fusion Tables and that I can't use something like Google's Cloud Storage with Buckets as it is unusable by the AppInventor?
I already have my custom TinywebDB but I need another one for the second table, the books. Will TinywebDB be sufficient for my purposes and how can I create the second table? Should I rather use Fusion Tables or is Fusion Tables more used for data visualization?
I also can't do service authentication on Google's dev site for fusion tables because instructions on http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/storage.html#FusionTablesControl I think displays old version of the site. Help with this would also be appreciated.
you can use any data storage
using fusiontables probably would be the easiest method
how to setup a service account, see here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HifuZqz5xu0KPS-e4oUv-t-nQoUQ8VMNyh_y6OjZkc0/pub
We'll check the documentation, but Fusion Tables service accounts work, as describe in the document Taifun referenced.
Am new to this and tried to download the offline version for mine windows PC.But i can not download form the site thus http://appinv.us/aisetup_windows . Can anyone please help me with the executable file. My email address is eani286@gmail.com. Thank and hope to hear from you guys soon.
I believe that offline versions are not stable and after a while, its database may go corrupted. You should use it with caution.
@Hossein: ???
it seems to be, you are trying to download the AppInventor installer from here http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/windows.html
I just tried it and the download seems to work fine for me
you only have to download the installer in case you like to use the emulator
the recommended option is to use an Android device and a WiFi conneciiton see also here
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