I want to make an app for my girlfriends band. I have searched many forums and the net at large but, because of the naming (music re-order list) the wrong type of apps come up. I want 2 simple boxes. The left hand box to hold a list of all the bands songs and associated meta data such as length of each song. The idea is, you select the songs from the left box which creates the new playlist in the right box. Long-pressing the songs in the right box to re-order them. Having the length of songs attached allows a cumulative total length of show, in the right box, to be easily configured into a 1, 2, or 3 hour show. I have attached a similar image layout, albeit not the same content. Please let me know if this is not the right place for this thread, as its been years since I last delved into apps.
Try to learn some App Inventor first by doing some tutorials. That way you will find out whether AI is suitable for you, and you will have more specific questions you can add here.
Taifun's top 5 tips: http://puravidaapps.com/learn.php
Taifun's top 5 tips: http://puravidaapps.com/learn.
Wow....Thank you so much! That is so close to what I am looking for it's scary. Lot's of tweaking yet but what a great start! Now hoping there is a way to change the integers into buttons that link to words for the associated songs. Also, my girlfriend is legally blind so need to make them expandable.
-- Now hoping there is a way to change the integers into buttons that link to words for the associated songs
You can just as easily load text into lists as integers.
for navigable text samples.
. Also, my girlfriend is legally blind so need to make them expandable.
The ListView has an adjustable font size.
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