2017년 4월 6일 목요일

RGB <-> CMYK conversion app

A simple app that makes a conversion between RGB <-> CMYK color modes. It actually shows an estimated CMYK color on screen that matches the RGB color shown.

This app allows people to see the difference between a color in RGB mode and CMYK mode. If you don't know what these are, the RGB (red,green,blue) color mode is additive (light) while CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) is a substractive color mode (ink). When you need to show people why the colors they see on screen (RGB) can't be perfectly reproduced in printed material (CMYK), this app might come in handy.

I hope somebody finds it useful.  ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/?galleryId=5433155909058560


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