Please help me if you can to get me out of the issue.
I have defined variables like:
Initialize global places to make a list(A, B, C, ........I, J)
Initialize global lat to make a list(78.65787876, 78.74635377, 78.35363627............78.93637372, 78.46463729)
Initialize global long to make a list(38.47463728, 38.4683483749, 38.4682732837..........38.74387427, 38.79389238)
Initialize global CM1 to make a list(abc, cde, def,.........ghi, ijk)
I have used two buttons; one for showing all records(showAllRecord) and another for searching particular record (search button).
Now when I press ShowAllRecord(for showing all CM1 values), I am getting all records and after that when I click on particular record, its also showing me corresponding lat,long values.
Please check blocks for show all record.
But when I search for particular record, I too get the result and when I click on the result, its showing lat,long values for the first record.
Means if I use ShowAllRecord button I can see all values from abc, cde, def,.........ghi, ijk and if I select 'ghi' record, its showing me corresponding value i.e: (78.93637372, 38.74387427)
But when I search for ghi record using Search button, I can see "ghi" in result and when I click on the result, its showing me value of lat. long for the 1st record i.e: (78.65787876, 38.47463728)
Can you help me so I can get the correct value when I search for any record.
Other recipients:
Why do you keep clearing all the data from your TinyDB in your showall procedure?
TinyDB is meant for persistent data across sessions.
Also, you gave TinyDB a name, Library.
I hope you realize that you only get one TinyDB, no matter what you call it or how many of them you add.
Use the DoIt (right click) feature to trace the values from right to left in your search blocks.
That should show you where you are going wrong.
TinyDB is meant for persistent data across sessions.
Also, you gave TinyDB a name, Library.
I hope you realize that you only get one TinyDB, no matter what you call it or how many of them you add.
Use the DoIt (right click) feature to trace the values from right to left in your search blocks.
That should show you where you are going wrong.
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