2017년 5월 19일 금요일

Moving the Character

Im making my first project in the app inventor. My game is a snakes and ladders game, I'm having an issue in animation My issue is that how can I make a charter move from a block to another without teleporting the character. Example: I was on block 20 and the dice appeared to be 5 and I teleported to the block 25. My question is how can I make the character move to the other blocks(21,22,23,24) with 1 second interval Then reach 25 using animation ..... I tried using clock function but not figured it out yet .... any idea ?

You need to post your blocks and how you define the location of each block so we can figure out how to help you.

You need to keep a list of the moves you want to make, in order,
((piece, from, to)
(piece, from, to)
(piece, from, to)

And have the clock timer routine service it one move per cycle,
removing from the list as it goes.

Look in the FAQ for How to Work With Lists:


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