2017년 6월 11일 일요일

Send a picture and ESC sequences to a bluetooth printer

I want to print on a bluetooth termal printer a little logo with BluetoothClient object.
Is it possible? How can I do it? With which method?

Then, How can I send ESC sequences to set printer as I need? 
I have the necessary sequences, but I don't know how to send them to the printer. 

For example: the hex sequence 1B 21 20 
I have tried with SendText method using "\x1B\x21\x20" in the text, but nothing.

Look in the Gallery for application CRLF.
It has a hexify() procedure that uses a trick of the Web component to create single byte text 
blocks from hex.  JOIN them together and sent them as text.

Sending a picture is harder.
You need access to the coding technique used by your printer.

See the BlueTooth section of my FAQ at the beginning of this board for sample apps.

excuse me but in Blocks section I don't find the procedure "Web.HtmlDecodeText" with parameter "for component".
Between the blocks available for Web component, I see only the block with "htmlText" parameter (see below)

I'm looking for this:

Where I have to search for it? Do I need any upgrade?

It's in the Any Component section of the Blocks Editor.


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