your blocks look fine
what do you get after sending the SELECT query to the table?
how does the fusiontable1.GotResult event look like?
do you get an error message? if yes, which error message?
I dont get a erorr the select works i get the rowids
but then the code breaks and de rowids arent send to the global rowid
but then the code breaks and de rowids arent send to the global rowid
I use 2 fusion tables insert and select works fine but the update doesnt work maybe the redlt isnt sending the rowid but i also tryed to set a rowid in de update block but that doesnt work
no that didnt work also it doesnt update if i set a number in the amount text
and set a rowid in a textblock
i use do it to debug it i dont get errors it just wont work grrrr
see the documentation
Returns true if piece appears in text; otherwise, returns false.
i use do it to debug it i dont get errors it just wont work grrrr
it does not look like you know how to debug?
see tip 4 here
what is the result you get in the fusiontable1 got result event?
Error from companion. The variable $result
Error from companion. The variable $result
Is not bound in the current context
This is when i do ot
This is when i do ot
I dont get a responce back
Error from companion. The variable $result
Is not bound in the current context
Do it does not work for local variables
as already suggested, you might want to follow tip 4 and read also what Scott recommends how to debug local variables...
protip: use a label or assign the result to a global variable and display that...
Now when i put a number in the update it says affected row
But i dont get a result from the global rowid
Whats wrong i am getting frustrated please help mee
But i dont get a result from the global rowid
Whats wrong i am getting frustrated please help mee
Don't make us guess.
You know what we need.
What do you need ? I have Autism so i dont understand the qeustion
It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.
If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
which means in your case post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...
You probably will get more feedback then...
and: you additionally might want to provide a description what exactly is happening, which result you get etc.
sorry, I will not take a look at all the blocks...
and to download the aia file, upload it to App Inventor, open it, do some bug hunting for you, etc... this takes time, and most people will not do that...
Thank you.
You are overloading the Fusion Table controls by asking
them to do too many different jobs.
The event block that catches the result from the FT control
doesn't 'know' which query produced that result.
I recommend making separate FT controls in the Designer,
named after the Query they are used with,
This way you can have separate event blocks that
know what just happened, and how they should respond.
(I see no economy in overloading single controls using global variables
to "remember" the context.)
Also, you don't need those .ForgetLogin blocks.
Taifun said that i should swap those blocks
I can pay for your service if thats ok then u could do it for me how much thatt that costs?
Taifun said that i should swap those blocks
yes exactly, I suggested to swap the blocks and also ABG did
but unfortunately you did not follow that suggestion.. which means don't be surprised if it does not work...
Yes i did swap it when you told me too
But still i cant update so when i swapped it back
It still didnt work .
But what does it cost when you build the app for me
What does that cost ?
But still i cant update so when i swapped it back
It still didnt work .
But what does it cost when you build the app for me
What does that cost ?
There is a For Hire section in this FAQ: For Hire (sites offering paid help (YMMV))
Sample project and doc showing multiple Fusion Table request management ... Fusion Table Deletion
But what does it cost when you build the app for me
sorry, I'm currently not available
I will be in vacation for some weeks soon...
i got it working with help from you i can insert get select add and update now the next thing i wanna do is delete
great! congratulations!
to delete is simple, you do not need the rowid for that...
just send the delete statement to the table...
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