2017년 8월 20일 일요일

Login Template AI2

I am currently using A Login template for App Inventor as the login template which I have used to recreate on App Inventor 2, but my issue is that I cannot seem to register after entering my name, password, confirm password, and email.
The errors for the user input (Not same password and repeat password, username cannot contain '@', etc.) occur as the template specifies, but when I press "Register," nothing happens.
I am modifying this template and submitting it for a contest, and the contest specifies that the app must be developed in AI2.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated ASAP!
I have attached the *.aia file of the app for reference.

It stops for me to at  "Register" .... took a while to figure that is the ButtonOK_Reg block.  I guess it stops here because I see no code here other than the TinyWebDB call.  Trying a DoIt, after properly filling in the fields, it does not appear the fields are transferring data.

So, I would start the hunt here Rishi ..... I can not test your TinyWebDB   calls.   I put the Screen1.TitleBlock there to give an indication the button gets pressed.   It definitely does get pressed.
I also deleted the Sound.Click as events of that type can sometimes inhibit the events in the blocks following them.

If you're looking for a login template designed in AI2, and utilizing the TinyWebDB, check out my tutorial on this very thing


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