it says there has been a transmission error.400 bad request invalid query:parse error near 'and'(line1,position 72).please try again
i have attached a screen pic my blocks all seem correct
Look at your data... position 72 on the first line of data... You didn't post a screenshot of your blocks, but a screenshow of your error. That's OK... Use the DoIt function at the top left of every block to see what data you're returning and adjust things from there.
i am sorry here are my blocks for the fusion table error.
here are therest of the blocks ..please assist if you can ia mquite lost this was simple enough now its just turning into something else
and the last one
Frequent Made Errors with
as for the blocks some of them offer the do it function some dont an the ones that do ...nothing happens when i click it
here are therest of the blocks ..please assist if you can ia mquite lost this was simple enough now its just turning into something else
and the last one
Frequent Made Errors with
Fusiontables and how to fix them
follow up thread see here!category-topic/mitappinventortest/Ay5WjeCRPGM
I will close this one
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