i tried previously to get image as the value of a tinydb then adding the tinydb get value to the list and got an error due (I guess) the if value not there being an empty text box.
The picture attached is in my camera.after picture handler.
if its not too much trouble, i would greatly appreciate if someone could post a picture of the correct way to store a get image to a list so it can be retrieved by mutiple different tinydb tags. Thanks for your help.
(Taifun, if you read this, thanks for your help with my previous issue, my email has crashed and so was unable to thank you before)
first of all, instead of taking a picture, see here how to make a screenshot https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/jhv5qdoKEhU/RlxpiBntozkJ
do you really use the value "blank" as list items?
probably it helps to check the following tips How to work with Lists by Saj
to find out the issue, you can disable some of the blocks and use Do it. Also the exact error message could help us to help you...
see also
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