Sound and Player are different components. Use Player, not Sound
I tried that and it didn't work either. None of the apps that use sound are working. Is that normal?
Some things to consider and check:
Is the volume turned up on your tablet?
Does the sound work on non AI2 apps?
What kind of sound file are you attempting to play? How large is it (Mb)?
Do you have the sound file loaded in Resources (Media)?
Could you please post a png or jpg image of the blocks you are trying to use to play the sound. You said you tried different things,
if we could see some of your code, we might discover the issue.
I have tried both player and sound components on Ubuntu and Mac platforms. The emulator is playing sound from the keypad but I cannot get the media to play.
Did you download the sounds from the site as well as the code?
Yes. I am on a Mac. The sound file is fine and has been uploaded.
It seems to be a problem with the emulator running the code block. I can see it clicking on the image but I just tried a code block to change the label text when clicked and that hasn't worked either. Do I need to do something before the code blocks will run on the emulator? I tried re-connecting but no change.
Viv... You're using a Microsoft Surface Pro?
AI makes apps for ANDROID... not iOS or MS...
AI makes apps for ANDROID... not iOS or MS...
I'm using the emulator - I am an A level Computing teacher not a novice. I have now had the emulator software installed on a windows machine in school. Still no joy on the sound. I will try out some other programs and see what happens.
Have you done Tutorials:
MITs tutorials
or read the AI2 free online eBook ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. It TEACHES how to use AI2 blocks to program.
A possible issue, is your emulator working at all? Code a new project. You are experienced so this should be easy. Just place a Button on the screen, change the caption on the button to Hello; now Projects > Emulator . Do you see the emulator render the button and the word Hello? If you do not, something is wrong with your emulator setup.
Until recently, the emulator was not possible to use on LINUX boxes. It is supposed to be working now. The emulator has always worked on Macs .
What type of sound file are you trying to play with AI2? mp3, wav or one of the strange ones?
You have NOT posted a screen capture image of your Ai2 blocks. Without a code image posted, answering your questions and providing adviceis difficult because anyone is guessing. Our standard answer is "Try some blocks" and that applies to teachers too.
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