My name is Rafael, I'm studying Mechatronics as University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I was recently introduced to App Inventor by a friend.
I'm currently working on an open source project:
It's a Pipetting Robot, meant to help researchers with chemical tests, basically a 3D printer with a pipette on the end.
I've been wondering if it would be possible to use the App Inventor to design an interface to control this bot, it seems like it would.
Is there anyone here who ever used AI2 for this kind of application? Is there any projects you know of?
Many AI2 enthusiasts use AI2 to control Arduino and Leggo robots. They do this by communicating with the device through Bluetooth.
Arduino comments on the forum:!searchin/mitappinventortest/Arduino
Leggo Mindstorm comments:!searchin/mitappinventortest/leggo$20nxt
If your gadget can accept similar Bluetooth commands, you may be in business. AI2 probably has all the buttons and sliders you might need but you
got to determine that for yourself.
That's exactly what I was talking about
Hey i have invented an app on mit2. while using, the app is showing connections and is connecting to hc-05(i'm using) but while sending data over the bluetooth arduino is not responding. This my minor project . I have to submit it by Nov- 22 .plz someone help me.
or plzz send me blocks for inventing such app (only transmit through android )
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