2014년 12월 27일 토요일

join sound with image?

If I "join" a sound and an image, in my global list, will they then appear together?  I need to find away to link certain sounds to certain images, but there are too many to use "set" blocks.  Is there a way to do this in a list?

just use 2 lists, one list for the images, the other list for the sounds
to get the corresponding sound for an image, use the same list index

I have 16 images and each image has a corresponding sound (so, 16 images and 16 sounds) and then I have to present these combos in random without replacement order.  Where would I use the "same list index"?  Wouldn't that be too many "same list index" boxes?  I just want a simple way to connect each image with it's corresponding sound and then I can easily do "random without replacement" presentation. 

Create global variable named ChoiceNumber.
Set global ChoiceNumber = random number from 1 to length of pictures list.
Set output picture to selection number ChoiceNumber from picture list.
Set output sound to selection number ChoiceNumber from sound list.

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