just import your latest backup (aia file) and restart from there
you made a backup, didn't you?
Yes, I do have a backup. Unfortunately it is from 9 days ago and I have done a huge amount of work during those 9 days. I am going to create a new project and import the aia into it to see the extent of what is missing. If it is possible to restore this project from a backup it will save me 9 days of work.
If you hit the Delete button, the screen is gone Dan. Unfortunate you did not save your work regularly using either an aia or Projects > Save project as, It would have saved you a lot of grief. It is a fact that compilers do what the developers tell them to do; in this case you deleted a screen with a button. When MIT is able to 'recover' a project, it is usually an issue of something happening that cause the project to be corrupted in the Google Cloud. That did not happen in your case. There is probably nothing to recover.
Build on what you learned about coding in the past nine days; what you code now will go more rapidly than the first time through because you have discovered the procedures that work in your app.
Sorry you had the bad experience. When developers get tired, they tend to make errors in coding and sometimes do things that cause issues.
I expect your Screen3 is gone. I am sending a note to the guy who attempts 'recovery' in his spare time. He MIGHT be able to do something. Being the New Year's holiday, I have no idea how long it will take for a response. Be patient, cross your fingers but get started on replacing your work.
Smile, you could have lost the whole thing.
Thanks very much for the reply and the encouraging words. The good news is that my backup from 9 days ago contained almost all of what I needed to recover--much more than I had thought. Much of the time consumed during that period was figuring out how to do everything. You were very much correct in stating that re-coding would go more rapidly and I can happily say it is done. Perhaps you could answer a few related questions regarding getting totally back to where I was. First the background:
I originally started this app with a project named, "SailingRaceStarts." I copied that file to a new file named, "SailingRaceStartsPro." I used AppToMarket with the "SailingRaceStartsPro" file and published it to Google Play.
After losing the screen, the best file to start from to recover was "SailingRaceStarts." To make sure I didn't potentially harm the best file I had, I copied it to a new file called, "SailingRaceStarts_copy." This file is the one that is now perfect.
I want to make sure my customers on Google Play don't lose continuity with updates. Hence the following four questions:
Within AppInventor, should I delete the damaged project named "SailingRaceStartsPro" and save a copy of the fixed "SailingRaceStarts_copy" to the name "SailingRaceStartsPro?"
Do I need to import the keystore from the original "SailingRaceStartsPro" in AppInventor? (Since I'm using AppToMarket, it may be irrelevant.)
Do I need to import the keystore from the original "SailingRaceStartsPro" in AppToMarket to the new file?
Is there anything else I should consider or do?
Thank you for you patience--this is my first app. AppInventor is great and I am grateful to all who have made it possible and continue to help as you are doing.
Very glad you were able to recover Dan.
I'm not an expert on Google Play but perhaps this thread can help with your questions: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/erica/mitappinventortest/bV9uiQ8y1o0/hoxJL1HZUp0J This person had a similar issue with having to rename and re-post several apps on Google Play and got it straightened out. My understanding is that if you do not do it right, GP will kindly(?) nudge you with error messages and advice.
There are several users on the forum who will probably be able to answer your specific questions. What I do know is that if you have the keystore, you are in business. I just do not know how to work with GP. :)
to update your existing app in Google Play, you have to use the same project name in App Inventor and a new version code and version name. Don't worry about the keystore.
Thank you for the feedback. I would like to share lessons learned with anyone who needs them:
1. Regularly "Export selected project (.aia)" to your computer.Even if you just allow these to accumulate in your downloads folder, they are named and dated and will be extremely useful if something goes wrong. Better to organize them in folders and copy them to an external drive, but whatever you do, do the export!
2. Use the "Save project as" to save a backup on MIT's server. I'm using this format to name the backup: MyProject_BACKUP_010114. This is simple, quick, easy, can be done from anywhere, and does not require local media.
3. If something goes wrong, the simplest fix is to do one of the following: Delete the bad project, open your backup project in AppInventor, and "Save project as" to the original filename. --OR-- Delete the bad project, create a new one with the same name and import the aia. Either way will only take a couple of minutes at most. You do not need to worry about the keystore.
4. If using AppToMarket, assuming your project name is the same as the original, you will have no problem whatsoever uploading to Google Play. Of course, increment the version and version name as usual before uploading a new apk. (Incidentally, the settings that work best for me inside AppToMarket v.3.2 are: x, x.x, Min 5, Target 0, Portrait (or whatever you want), Auto, No Title, Normal, No, Dialog, and put spaces in the App Name.)
5. Be very careful using an unfamiliar computer. My problem started when using someone else's computer--the browser was slightly different and the screen resolution was different, so buttons were in a slightly different location; it was "laggy" so things didn't happen at the same pace as my own computer; and I received a phone call while working under those conditions.
6. Be very cautious of the "Remove Screen" button. It is located just below the "Build" button. Move slowly and READ the confirmation screens.
You might as well read my Tips Dan!:
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