I am creating an application.
Objective: Schedule phones and information of businesses in my town.
Some additional information from the companies will be displayed using the internet, but the basic function of this application is only the phone numbers of local businesses.
The AIA attached model is pretty much done.
But, I need a basic function, and I'm not getting.
When you install this application on your device, get a phone, and find the display button to do the function dial (telephone) and this can not.
I can not make a call the display function number in a list function. dial button does not work.
What do I need to take the help of you?
I do not know if I'm getting quite explain my problem because I am using the google translator.
Would this. Search, find and call (calling)
If you are asking for help, I recommend you to make it as easy for others to be able to help you ...
which means in your case post a screenshot of your relevant blocks...
You probably will get more feedback then...
To download the aia file, upload it to App Inventor, open it, do some bug hunting for you, etc... this takes time, and most people will not do that...
ahhh, ok .. I think I understand.
good, is there pictures of the blocks.
I need, for example, after the user finds the town and the phone that he needs, he can call the number ..
Do not know if you can understand me.
As if it were your phone book, call your contact and call him.
however, this is a phone list of companies in cities, and the function call the number after pesquizar not work ..
It would be possible?
Search now find and call?
use the PhoneCall component http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/social.html#PhoneCall
after selecting a contact, you will find the number to dial in the Button1.Text property
Excuse my lack of knowledge.
I do not speak English and I still have a lot of difficulty understanding English in programming.
I put Phonecall function, but do not know how to do what you told me. Are several companies and numbers.
Could you post a print block so I can follow your example please?
I am four months trying to ...
set PhoneCall.PhoneNumber to Button1.Text
try to put that block after setting the phone number...
first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
no.. : dont work
would be a new function, a new block afterpick ? I do not know where to put PhoneCall.PhoneNumber to Button1.Text .. please, post a sample screenshot, please .
your screenshot looks fine, only the PhoneCall.MakePhoneCall block is missing
my god ... all I'm trying the wrong.
I am four months trying to solve this problem and I can not. I do not understand English well and I can not program in English.
I do not speak English. .and do not understand programming in English. Just missing this problem so I can continue my app
I am trying what you suggested but did not know where to put the blocks.
Where do I put the block after selecting a contact to dial in the Button1.Text property?
Where do I put the block PhoneCall.MakePhoneCall ?
For the love of God, post something .. one screenshoot
Please help me. If not as you want to help me understand.
I am four months trying to solve this problem
really? 4 months to adjust my nested listpicker example?https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/sSkYTefjc0k/SzRrHwwSp2IJ to your needs?
well, yes, it helps to do the tutorials...
Yes. this example was exactly the solution I found for what I wanted to do with my application.
as I've mentioned several times I do not know programming.
nestedlistpickerV2 was the ideal solution, but it does dialing after pick and choose.
when I started thinking about creating an application, first made one screen for each company, but I saw that this was not ideal.
I started studying everything I found on the internet about this subject.
I saw this list available to download the solution I was looking for.
Now we just call the function to work, and I do not know how.
and if I knew the solution would not have asked for help.
nestedlistpickerV2 is perfect for my app, but, he dont start calling for a selected number
as already said, try to put the block PhoneCall.MakePhoneCall after setting the phone number
I tried several different blocks with the phonecall, but none of the block I did worked. button (button1) does not make the call after the number is pressed.
I made several different combinations, but none makes the number selected in button1 initiate the connection after selected
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