<img style="" src="data:image/png;base64,
...SMS, like Twitter, has a limited number of characters. Look at your phone... send a long text message to someone, and you'll see that it's breaking that up into separate messages. It sends it as a whole messages, but has the breaks so that a phone with that limit can receive the message, in several chunks.
How many characters is your message. I believe that 140 is where things start breaking up...
My message is only 90 characters long. And as long as I've tested my phone can send up to 160 characters long
Have you tried your app on various devices?
Those are the screenshots to my code, I don't have any \n I tought at first it may be it so I removed them to see what may happen and instead of breaking in 4 parts the message now breaks in 2
Post the blocks that make the complete text of your message...
Im sorry the first image was an old one
Those are all very nice, but they don't show me what I need to see... I want to see how the ENTIRE sms message text is created. That's got to be where your issue is...
This is the entire message I'm trying to send:
"Mr X has called for a Taxi at the address: (your current location's address or the No address Available string)https://www.google.com.mx/
This is the complete message I would like to send in at least 2 parts, but with this length the message breaks in 4 parts.
In that address, is there a line feed after the street address?
There is a limit to the character count of a sms message you send. Sms allows 140 bytes: this translates to 70 16 bit wide characters (non ascii languages); 140 standard ascii characters; or 160 7 bit ascii characters. The character count is determined by the mode you send the data.
Frequently, if you send the LocationSensor.CurrentAddress you may exceed that limit or if you send all the decimal places in the lat/long without parsing the result. Look at the DoIt result using the AI2 debugger to see what is actually happening.
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