I need some programming help for sending data to Google Fusion Tables. I am ready to provide consulting fees for the project. Please let me know if anyone is interested to help me. Thank you.
I have attached the front-end screenshots and a link to the fusion tables here: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=1AdklvLTimQJpRRC6laC9KFslmAzIwgycIIgRs9uU
you could easily do it yourself...
you can learn how to work with fusiontables in the tutorial Pizza Party with Fusion Tables for App Inventor 2
btw. I also offer personal support. In case you are interested, please contact me directly, for details see my webpage.
Thank you Taifun. I tried using the Pizza Party but I think this App is a little more complicated. But still I'm trying and will definitely let you know if I need your personal support. Thanks a bunch for your kind support.
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