This is a change - not for the better.
Used the text to speech component on the design screen.
Chose the (?) interface to get help on the component.
It did not go to specific help for that component but to a general screen. Not very helpful to students learning the language.
Note - a student asked me how long a string can I put in the TEXT block.
I could not find a place to easily answer that question. My answer was as of last summer and I'm not sure it's still valid.
Will you add (?) helps to the block side?
Chose the (?) interface to get help on the component.
It did not go to specific help for that component but to a general screen.thank you for finding this bug in the text-to-speech "More information" link, this should be fixed by MIT
this is the correct link:
a student asked me how long a string can I put in the TEXT block. I could not find a place to easily answer that question.
the place to ask that question is here
as far as I know, there is no limit for the length of a string, just try it...
and if you find such limit, then let us know
Will you add (?) helps to the block side?
there also is help on the blocks editor, see also tip 3 here
and you always can go to the documentation directly here see the bottom of that page
Yes - and because I already know app inventor that would help. But for a new person - they should be able to learn about specific components and blocks. Some - like accelerometer, webviewer, etc. are not intuitive.
In App Inventor one if I used the (?) it would bring me to a link on the library page to where that component is.
The link appears to have been removed, or the pointer to the link. So now it just goes to the head of the library page.
This is not really a coding error - but it is a IDE error.
Taifun is correct -- this is inserting the wrong link. It's doing that for all the media components. I'm trying to track this down. thanks for reporting this.
I've filed an issue #761.
I've filed an issue #761.
Thanks for the heads up.
It was a bug that affected all the components in the media drawer.
This has been fixed and should be in the next release.
It was a bug that affected all the components in the media drawer.
This has been fixed and should be in the next release.
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