2016년 12월 29일 목요일


Re: App to trace letters.

(Tracing the letter is like solving a maze) You need to find pictures with letters on them, where the letters have marked borders or have an even ...
10월 24일 작성자: Ghica - 작성자 6명의 게시물 17개 78회 조회

Re: Need help with sprite/color collision.

Here's your search query for your answer ... https://groups.google.com/forum/#! searchin/mitappinventortest/maze%7Csort:relevance.
10월 16일 작성자: Abraham Getzler - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 17회 조회


Here's an example I made of how to move a ball on a canvas based on the accelerometer. ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/?galleryId=6422561992998912.
8월 26일 작성자: Italo - 작성자 3명의 게시물 3개 26회 조회

Re: AppInventor Collision Detection.

please first check these maze threads https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin /mitappinventortest/maze%7Csort:date and in case these do not help ...
4월 28일 작성자: Taifun - 작성자 3명의 게시물 7개 60회 조회

Re: Maze Collision Issues.

Yay! :)
4월 22일 작성자: ScottFerguson - 작성자 4명의 게시물 8개 55회 조회

ImageSprite impossible to choose.

Hello to all,. I'm making a maze and I have a lot of ImageSprites with collide events with the ball... Unfortunately, I'm not able to put more ...
2월 28일 작성자: Dominique Gering - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 17회 조회

Forums Tutorials?

... rate I assume at this point its not for navigation on this website. These forums remind me of a corn maze, designed to maintain confusion. Thanks.
2월 12일 작성자: PilotOdyssey - 작성자 3명의 게시물 8개 41회 조회

Notifier Still not correct!

... and then you click the ok and you go to the next level. I want it to start and only change level when the ball in the maze hits the finish ball.
15. 11. 28. 작성자: Kermit005 - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 17회 조회

Changing screens using notifier!

Basically what I want to know is that is it possible to change screen when a thing like a ball for a maze game touches the end it then displays ...
15. 11. 27. 작성자: Kermit005 - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 25회 조회

Re: Disappearing Ball on a Maze game.

are you posting the same question using 2 different user accounts? https:// groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/f2d8InEnGA4/rV7Gh2B4AwAJ.
15. 10. 23. 작성자: Taifun - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 4회 조회

Image sprite sizes returning to default image size when website is closed.

As said in the title, i am changing the size of my image sprites to create a wall/maze effect however each time i close the website the sprites ...
15. 8. 26. 작성자: mrtreeface1 - 작성자 3명의 게시물 8개 54회 조회

Orientation Sensor vs. Clock.

I'm working on a Maze game and was using an orientation sensor for movement of the ball on my Samsung 10.5 Tab S. and all was well.
15. 7. 21. 작성자: AiNick C - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 13회 조회

Re: trace abc letters on a shape.

Hello Yannick! You can probably start with the canvas tutorial and work your way up from there. Are you trying to make a maze type game? -Jhavok.
15. 3. 29. 작성자: J Havok - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 18회 조회

Re: download source button doesn't show.

thnaks Taifun. just looking and trying to understand who's against who in android maze :). I'll tell you if your replay saved me from toasting the ...
15. 3. 9. 작성자: Yuval Meir - 작성자 2명의 게시물 3개 19회 조회

Re: Adding to or appending more code, understanding Blocks better.

Perhaps before you continue jumping in the AI2 maze, perhaps you should do : Tutorials:.
15. 2. 1. 작성자: SteveJG - 작성자 3명의 게시물 8개 36회 조회

Re: Maze Walls/Help.

Thanks everyone who helped :D.
14. 12. 19. 작성자: Jayden K. - 작성자 3명의 게시물 4개 56회 조회

Re: Trouble using the emulator.

Teachers using AI2, however, need to navigate the maze. You or your IT folks have specific questions, please ask again and please do let us know ...
14. 11. 5. 작성자: SteveJG - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 60회 조회

Re: Need help with app inventor.

That is how I would approach the problem, but I have not personally tried dragging a Sprite in a maze. ---. sf.
14. 9. 16. 작성자: Scott Ferguson - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 44회 조회

GPS and Digital Doodle.

And can it be made on a smaller scale to lets say tracking a backyard maze ( maybe not necessarily using google maps In this instance).
14. 8. 28. 작성자: Jasmin - 작성자 2명의 게시물 2개 25회 조회

Re: Sprite collision - do not allow pass through.

Thanks. I've looked at all of those pages already. The sample maze app just ends the game if the ball touches one of the sprites acting as a wall.
14. 5. 20. 작성자: Scott Christy - 작성자 3명의 게시물 5개 295회 조회

Re: "For each" loop that starts at 1 apparently indexes list at 0.

In particular, I removed my null strings from the end (beyond element 23) of my Maze list. Subsequently, if not consequently, the error has not ...
14. 4. 7. 작성자: David Kay - 작성자 6명의 게시물 17개 358회 조회

Emulator Crashes When I Use While Loops.

My game is to have a ball in a maze and when the user presses an on screen arrow key i want the ball to move until it hits a wall.
14. 3. 14. 작성자: kg...@manorhouseschool.org - 작성자 3명의 게시물 4개 96회 조회

Re: Maze.

Once the maze is created the color of the walls can be 'sensed' with the Canvas GetBackgroundPixelColor (ignores colors on sprites) or ...
14. 2. 27. 작성자: Scott Ferguson - 작성자 3명의 게시물 4개 632회 조회

Re: Recognize patterns on image.

I am currently working on a method to fill shapes on the canvas. It uses the left-hand-rule of maze solving to have a virtual Nanobot generate a ...
14. 1. 18. 작성자: Scott Ferguson - 작성자 3명의 게시물 4개 34회 조회

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