I am very pleased with App Inventor, but being an OLD programmer (I assume most of you were not even born when I began to program) I prefer to code using text files, instead of the graphical way.
I looked around but never found somebody who talks about this possibility. I assume the graphics is transformed to text before compilation.
Graphics is great for beginners, but I would like to use the text mode enjoying the ease of Android programming.
Is it possible?
App Inventor is to ease the programming for non-programmers.
You may want to consider using Android Studio which provides a full textual programming environment.
I just hate Java (since it went to Oracle) and its syntax (even before Oracle).
I would dream a simplified syntax, such the one used by App Inventor, without all the trouble.
Getting older, you know, my time is shorter than average to learn something new :-)
But probably you are right, Android Studio is my way.
How about RFOBasic of https://www.touchdevelop.com/ ?
(They don't have nice screen design like AI2, though)
Also, have you tried the little-known typeblocking feature of AI2 ?
Abraham, I never heard of this RFOBasic. Really interesting indeeed. I will give a look.
I bought Basic4Android but never developed big stuff with it. It is a simplified environment that takes off all the JAVA gibberish.
-- I bought Basic4Android but never developed big stuff with it. It is a simplified environment that takes off all the JAVA gibberish.
About the typeblocking, it is almost what I need: fast writing without drag/drop. I will try with that. I don't know how I could miss it...
I had been born for sure :-(
Try something different, as Ionic 2, for example. The purpose of App Inventor is to teach to young people the bases of programming, using graphics.
Did you start with block diagram, didn't you?
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