Make a basic spaceship game in MIT App Inventor. The spaceship rotates using a canvas drag event. Then we shoot with Touch Up event.
Hello friends, in this MIT App Inventor tutorial I will show you how to make a simple spaceship game, well at least how to start it, then you will be able to add more ideas to make a full functional game.
In the video you will... learn? see? how to:
Use a procedure to Scale and Center a Sprite in the middle of the canvas, no matter the device sscreen size.
Rotate a Sprite in APP Inventor using heading property and the canvas onDragging Event (use one finger rotates the ship and fires)
Use the "Z" property in App Inventor to place sprites one under other
How to shoot the "space bullet" in the direction where the spaceship is facing
Use a clock to make sure "default properties" load correctly when the screen initializes.
Lots of mini tips to work work work work work 

with MIT app inventor
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