Xadow GSM Breakout
Hardware Overview

How to use it

Pin Definitions

- If your project is built with Arduino IDE, please refer to the “Pin Definitions for Arduino IDE”.
- If your project is built with Eclipse IDE, please refer to the “Pin Definitions for Eclipse IDE”.
- Some pinout might be occupied if the corresponding module is operative in the system. Please check the availability of the pinout of the Xadow GSM Breakout before using it.
- And also, do make sure you know exactly about the voltage level at each pinout (2.8V or 1.8V), irreversible damages might occur if you mismatch it with a system working at a higher voltage level.
RePhone Community

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Now join us in the RePhone Community! Together we seek answers, make interesting stuff, care about each other, and share our experiences.
The schematic diagram of Xadow GSM Breakout is provided in the following link: - Xadow_GSM+BLE eagle files
Help us make it better
Thank you for choosing Seeed. A couple of months ago we initiated a project to improve our documentation system. What you are looking at now is the first edition of the new documentation system. Comparing to the old one, here is the progresses that we made:
- Replaced the old documentation system with a new one that was developed from Mkdocs, a more widely used and cooler tool to develop documentation system.
- Integrated the documentation system with our official website, now you can go to Bazaar and other section like Forum and Community more conveniently.
- Reviewed and rewrote documents for hundreds of products for the system’s first edition, and will continue migrate documents from old wiki to the new one.
An easy-to-use instruction is as important as the product itself. We are expecting this new system will improve your experience when using Seeed’s products. However since this is the first edition, there are still many things need to improve, if you have any suggestions or findings, you are most welcome to submit the amended version as our contributor or give us suggestions in the survey below, Please don’t forget to leave your email address so that we can reply.
Happy hacking
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