2017년 5월 22일 월요일

Is it possible to copy blocks and user interface between screens?

I already had it a couple of times: I wanted to copy Blocks and User Interface Objects between two Screens and i couldn´t.
Does somebody know who to get them to another Screen without creating all of them new?

You can not cut and paste blocks from one project to another.  What you can do is copy an entire screen within a project or between projects.

There are two ways to do this:

 How to copy screens by Scott and a video by Hossein

Here is another way:  

You can not copy portions of code, at least yet.    An MIT student is working on a project to develop TAIL, a text based scripting language for AI.  When that is finished, it may be possible to develop AI2 code by typing (as in virtually any other compiler language) instead of blocks.   Until then, what is available for copying code is what is mentioned above.

Thanks for the quick answer. I think copying screen will do it for my need.

thank you for letting us know one of the solutions provided will work for you.


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