2017년 6월 2일 금요일

Using a foreign language

I would like to create an app using a foreign language that has accent marks over letters.  Is this possible in text or do I need to create the text and then insert it as an image file?

Yes, this is possible with a little ingenuity.   Here is a demonstration:
with a Korean text file.     Drag and drop some Korean text into the Text box associated with Label1.Text;    Send the label1 text to a file called Korean.   Retrieve the Korean file and post its contents to label2.   Note, the easiest way to get a text or csv file into your Android using AI2 is to use Windows to get the required text or csv; copy it with an editing program like Notepad or from by directly copying text from a Web page, then dropping it onto a text block within the Block editor and saving it as a file.   Be aware, this demonstration saves the file within the app.   You can also save and retrieve from the SD card ... follow the directions with the File documentation http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/storage.html#File  ,

Is this what you want to do?      Working with the csv, it would be the same way.  This should work for any language in Unicode that reads from left to right (English, Korean, German, Spanish etc) but might not work with languages reading from right to left (Mandarin, Arabic etc.)...perhaps someone will try that.

In some places, you would probably need to create the text and insert it as an image file, however if you are working with a label, you can 
set label1.text to   a Text block ..........    then from the 'foreign' language text copy it to the clip-board, then paste it into the empty Text block.

Does that work for you?

Thanks.  Will give this a try!

Can I use an image as a button?  Can I put the foreign text onto a button?

I would like to create an app using a foreign language that has accent marks over letters.  Is this possible in text
yes, just try it

Can I use an image as a button?  Can I put the foreign text onto a button?

first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
Questions answered.  Thanks 


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