2017년 7월 15일 토요일

app where is my car

I have loaded the app "where is my car" on my android.      http://explore.appinventor.mit.edu/ai2/android-wheres-my-car
Current and remembered locations are ok.
But  to show directions from current to remembered locations i have the message in french  "Aucun résultat pour lat-long current location". In english "no result for......."
It's probably normal but my experience is not sufficient to see my problem and i think that this app is a good example to learn about the sensor location.

Have you corrected  the Location.Sensor output to compensate for fact that sensor reports decimal values with a point... 96.892   where in France, the decimal is a common instead of a period?     See the Location.Sensor Tutorial or Taifun's method of handling  decimals using either a period or a comma.  Could that be the issue?   No result for a lat / lon pair that needs a period but is reported as a comma?

Effectively in France it's not the point that is used.
I have to see the tutorial or find the Taifun's method to correct my problem.
I must translate comma to point. I think it's the only problem to correct.

Thanks Taifun, it's appear simple. And it's the solution to adapt this app at a country..
But if i don't know from what module you find these blocks: "to replaceCommaByDot" and "call replaceCommaByDot".
It's probably too simple but i have not seen


The 2 blocks to use are in built-in procedures

Thank you  Hervé for your explications.
It's now working perfectly.

@ Pierre    Very glad you got the decimal separator figured out with Where is My Car for Europeans.   Could you please post the blocks where you make the correction for period to comma?     I am sure there are others in Europe who would like to see the solution.  An image will make that easy for them. 


Steve, i join what we have to know to adapt this app for Europe.
File: Where is my Car for Europeans.doc
Where is My Car for Europeans.doc

I realized a little tutorial in French, see attached file
Thank you Herve.  The tutorial showing how to handle the decimal with Where Is My Car where the national decimal separator is a comma is great.


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