2017년 7월 28일 금요일

Ok Been a while for my Weight and Balance app

Ok, I'm back lol.  Got a mundane issue, but an issue none-the-less.  With all of my selections done (ie:personnel weights, aircraft tailnumber selection, etc.) and all data inputted, when I go to graph the information, the graph is blank.  However, when I duplicate the exact same action again, it graphs.  It only does this for the initial graphing onto a canvas.  after the single blank, I can graph any number of items without having the blank graph show up. Any suggestions?  Can't really do a screen shot of the blocks because I'm not sure which of my several thousand blocks is causing the issue.  Just wondering if anyone has had this issue and if so how they fixed it.

This is a stab in the dark - 

Do you draw your first graph in Screen1.Initialize?

If so, and if you are basing it on the sizes of 
Screen1 and any canvases or arrangements that inherit
screen sizes, you may need a little delay before
those sizes are available.

The fix for that is to put the first draw into a clock routine,
triggered very soon after Screen1.Initialize.

Well upon multiple hours of searching, I found all blocks associated with the draw and clear of said problem... Still doing it, not sure why.  here are the blocks

Here's another stab in the dark - 

If you are using multiple screens, you are probably passing
graph data thru TinyDB.

Is it possible you are calling the graph routine BEFORE you
are populating TinyDB?  That might lose the first graph,
but allow subsequent graphs.

Regarding your block shots,  a Designer screen shot for each
screen, with sizes of canvases and their enclosures might help.

Also, a screen shot of the emulator with and without the error
might help.

I'm only using one screen, I am just showing and hiding layouts.  I don't think it is calling graph before data is there, I'll check that but I have it so the graph portion is not even available until you have selected an aircraft that is already saved, and upon aircraft selection it fills in the fields for that specific aircraft so it shouldn't be, but again I thank you for taking the time to assist.  I'll let you know what I find.

Here's another stab in the dark, based on more info - 

If you are using multiple visible/invisible layouts,
having the canvas visible at build time might be
critical to having its dimensions available to 
blocks at startup time.

When I was building my Hidato Helper app for the
AI1 Gallery, I had that issue.

It should be easy to try.

tried switching all the plots around, didn't fix it :( ah well I'll just live with that for now I guess.  When I'm finished with everything else I'll get one of my java coder friends to tweak it for me in the final APK.  From the look of it, when I expand it out to a GPS flight path tool also that will have to be external coding :( can't find any info on getting the links to aircraft sectionals...


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