My little quiz is so close to working it is driving me crazy. I started with the MyQuiz tutorial and added my sound and my composer pictures to make an app for my music memory kids at school. It shows a picture of the composer, plays a short mp3 and asks student to id the composer. Yesterday it all worked on the emulator but won't work on my phone. Everything works but the sound. Today, on the emulator, it plays the first song but won't go on to the next, get error 703. I don't think I've changed anything! I am very new at this so any ideas would be appreciated.
can you send me the sound file?
I am so new at this stuff. I feel like it has something to do with the files not uploading with the app, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I thought that was all packaged together. All the picture media works...
Kay, that is a bug that was introduced a few updates ago.
The work around is to load all the sounds in the screen 1 init.
The work around is to load all the sounds in the screen 1 init.
Then the second time they are loaded where you need them they work.
ok i check out the sound files and they are ok. I didnt know about the sound file issue. I'd do like tony said and add the files in, in the screen 1 int.
Tony do have a link to that issue off hand, it will save me some time looking for it.
Tony do have a link to that issue off hand, it will save me some time looking for it.
Not right off hand. Our of town so I can't get to a puter to search.
Dont worry I'll find it. I have been having the same 703 issue but only one sound out of 4 sounds. It dont
make much sense. but I will figure it out and find a good work around.
KAY, do you mind sending your source to me at and let me try on yours. My game, the blocks are slow due to app size.
KAY, do you mind sending your source to me at and let me try on yours. My game, the blocks are slow due to app size.
Your e-mail address was, well, incomplete. How shall I send this? I thought I included my stuff in my first post. I'm sorry I don't get it, and I really appreciate your help. I got it to work again on the emulator, Then it would play every 4th song. You're right. very strange. Just tell me how to get it to you.
I had this problem in an app too. I just ended up getting a new sound file and re uploading it. Its a little buggy on things. The initialize sounds and screen (if you have any tables) is a good Idea too....rep to BigDaddyApp for that one.
Thanks for that input. I have found that it happens with the first sound. and I fix mine by getting a new mp3 file.
After going through the whole quiz the second time through it plays most sounds...then the third time it skips different sound files. I can tell this is going to be way hard to debug. What I have should work! Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. AND now I have three image files that don't show up.
wow, when it rains it pours. How big is your app?
As far as I know, this bug has been there forever.
From my own experience writing apps that use the Sound component, here's what I've needed to do to get multiple sounds to play reliably:
In the designer:
Add a Clock component to the app. Check TimerEnabled and set TimerInterval to 100.

In the blocks editor:
Define a global variable named Sounds to hold a List of all the sound file names.
Define another global variable named SoundIndex with the value 1.
Use the Clock1.Timer event block: Each time the timer goes off, set the Sound.Source property to a different sound file. After you've set all of them, disable the timer.

Each time you want to play a sound, make sure you set the Sound.Source property to the specific sound file name before you call Sound.Play.

Each Sound component should be able to hold 10 sound files. If you need more than 10, you should use more than one Sound component.
Also, each sound file should be just a short sound. The Sound component is not meant for whole songs. The Player component is the better choice for playing music.
Wow, yeah, this sounds very similar to an issue I have logged (#2463). My app will work for about five minutes and then start skipping sounds randomly. I reprocessed all of the sounds at a lower bit-rate (dropping the file sizes down about a third) and it ran for about 15 minutes before skipping sounds (on a Gen 1 Kindle Fire it skips sounds right out of the gate though). I'll try changing the app to preload and call sounds using the the method described here.
Thanks for the idea!
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