2014년 11월 27일 목요일

Google Speech Recognition API & AI2

Im looking at my options for adding voice control to my AI app. Is it possible to use Google Speech Recognition API with App Inventor? If so, how? Speech Recognizer component is not the same, correct?

App Inventor uses the original Google Speech recognizer.   It can not do all the bells and whistles possible in the full API.

Here is what you can do with AI2:


Picture of Speech Recognizer component
Use a speech recognizer component to listen to the user speaking and convert the spoken sound into text using Android's speech recognition feature.


The last text produced by the recognizer.


Asks the user to speak, and converts the speech to text. Signals the AfterGettingText event when the result is available.


AfterGetting(Text result)
Signaled after the recognizer has produced text. The argument is the text result that was produced.
Signaled just before the recognizer is called.


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