1. i cant found 'my block' in block editor with AI2, is it just shown on AI2 classic?
2. in built in block editor, i cant found definiton block in my AI2. but it shown on AI2 Classic. why?
There is no AI Classic. There is AI Classic and Ai2. They are very different compilers although they look similar. Ai Classic projects can not be loaded into AI2 and Ai2 projects can not be loaded into AI Classic. AI Classic is the original App Inventor.
AI Classic has a separate block editor that can be downloaded to a PC. AI2's Block editor is integrated with the Designer in the browser.
AI2 differs from its predecessor in that all the App Inventor is "in the Cloud".
So, #1 ..The block editor is on a separate browser screen on Ai2...click on the Designer block on the upper right corner of the browser for the Designer; click on Blocks, immediately to the left of the Designer button to show th Block screen. The block editor with Ai Classic is a separate Java program that runs on your PC.
#3... Some of the blocks were renamed in App Inventor 2. At the moment the only way to do the AI Classic to AI2 conversion is to manually recreate the app from Classic to AI2.
Here are two documents that will help. The first is a comparison of Classic Controls compared to the new AI2 controls and some advice on how to convert: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/app-inventor-developers-library/Classic$20/app-inventor-developers-library/BFtMa0BpJq8/tY_9ZCXbtH8J
The second is a summary of the new features in AI2 and in some cases, the controls from AI they replace http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/whats-new.html
Be aware, MIT has decided to stop supporting AI Classic sometime Fall 2014 according to announcements made in September. We on the forum do not recommend starting new projects in AI Classic.
wow, so many thanks Steve for the answer and the recommendation using AI2 to starting a new projects.
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