For example using a big company(as a developer) maybe?
I think Google requires a $25 payment...but there's probably a better place to ask this question than in the App Inventor forum. Might I suggest searching Google Groups for a Google Play forum?
Andy... There's a $25 registration fee from Google. After that, you pay only their percentage, and that $25 covers all you do...
Be aware, you can distribute your apps without charge by following these instructions:
You can email the app (".apk" file) to your friends who can install it by opening the email from their phone. If you want to distribute it more widely, you can upload it to a website that both you and your friend can access.
NOTE: Anyone installing your app (which is an ".apk" file) will need to change the setting on their phone to allow installation of non-market applications:
To find this setting on versions of Android prior to 4.0, go to "Settings > Applications" and then check the box next to "Unknown Sources". For devices running Android 4.0 or above, go to "Settings > Security" or "Settings > Security & Screen Lock" and then check the box next to "Unknown Sources" and confirm your choice.
Google 'charges' the nominal fee to help ensure the 'quality' of apps on its 'store.' It is a one time fee (at least at present). If you anticipate selling your app, and it sells more than 20 copies, you probably will recover your 'investment.' If this app does not 'sell,; write another one that might. If you want to make it available for free, you probably can submit it to he MIT App Inventor Gallery is the main site for sharing your App Inventor apps and checking out the apps and blocks of others. It is like Google Play, except open source-- all of the uploaded apps have source code (blocks) that you can study and remix! Think of it as one of the greatest open source learning studios ever created.
Is this what you are looking for?
If you can`t pay to Google. Then you can use alternative free app stores:
Nokia X:
etc. etc.
I would also suggest, using a different store, although PlayStore is probably the best.
You can use, Amazon, Windows, and Aptoide.
Hope this helped!
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