You will need to make a collection of smaller flow charts,
each one starting when a different event occurs like a button click
or a particular list picker selection (if using the list picker like a pulldown menu).
You will loop back only where you use FOR EACH or DO WHILE blocks.
IF THEN ELSE blocks should follow their block contents.
It's for a school assignment and I'm still confused. Should I make them connected or separate flowcharts all together? it would really help if you could draw a quick sketch like in paint or something.
I think I get it now. I'm sure this will work!
Your choice of diamonds, parallelograms, and rectangles look right,
as does your use of lines connecting them.
The only worry I have is that your instructor might
complain about too much text in a couple of rectangles.
Check your textbook or your instructor to see if
there is a way to separate out the contents of
a big text box into an entire separate sheet with
one entry and one exit.
Also, if you Google for "flowchart symbols" you will
get lots of examples, perhaps too many.
For displaying multiple choices like a Listpicker on a flowchart, you can use decision symbols (diamonds) to represent the different options. Each choice would branch from the decision box to its respective outcome. If you're using loops like 'FOR EACH' or 'DO WHILE', you should also indicate that with arrows looping back. As for whether to create one large flowchart or separate smaller ones, it's best to keep related steps together in one chart, but if the processes are too complex, splitting them into separate charts for clarity is a good approach. If you want to experiment with creating and refining your flowcharts, Creately flowchart maker can help you easily visualize and connect each part of the process.