A friend of mine has a 10 yo son and I recommended App Inventor, because it's easy to learn and interact with a smartphone's hardware. But there is a problem: The 10 yo does not speak English! He is a German and not yet old enough to have had English lessons in school. It would be easy to translate the few words in App Inventor to many other languages, possibly using the cloud. I do not understand why App Inventor is ONLY available in English and Chinese!
Please make App Inventor accessible for children who do not (yet) speak English!
App Inventor is also available in Spanish. There are efforts to make it work in other languages. AI2 is open source, free and developed by MIT's small staff and some volunteers. I am forwarding your post to an MIT person who is coordinating an effort to make AI2 available in more languages. The effort does need translators and you might want to participate.
see this thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/app-inventor-open-source-dev/hkOrVUGWKBc/PSmC7ENq_bIJ and if you want to help with the translation, contact Hossein for details
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