I tried connecting my phone with AI2.
It comes with the following error.
Did you solve this issue?
I have no idea to tackle the problem.
OK, I do not know either. I just forwarded your issue to someone who might know about the Companion connection error you experience..
It seems like your phone cannot connect to our servers. Do you have a firewall app on your phone? I am supposing that you are using our server and you do have internet connection on your computer, but this seems to be coming from the phone. Make sure the phone also has access to the Internet and it's not blocking requests.
Based on Jose's reply, is it possible that your WIFI and PC are not connected to the same IP address? Is the Android WIFI connected to perhaps a 'guest' position on your router?
Step 2: Connect both your computer and your device to the SAME WiFi Network
App Inventor will automatically show you the app you are building, but only if your computer (running App Inventor) and your Android device (running the Companion) are connected to the same WiFi Network. See a more detailed explanation of this here.
The full instructions are here: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/setup-device-wifi.html
I don't know how to connect both the computer and the device to the same WIFI network.
I would be really grateful if you can send links to me related to it.
Hi, If you use WiFi network which have Guest Police Security option turned ON, then you can`t connect AI2 and you phone! Even if you phone and computer is connected same WiFi network.
That mean, WiFi security policies not allow you see other computers or devices on same network.
Here is a document that may help you figure out how to connect both devices to the same WIFI : http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/support/explain-wifi-connection.html . Peep's advice is correct. Different routers have different ways to make settings . To get WIFI working for you it may be as simple as not using a 'Guest' setting on your router. Another possibility is mentioned at the end of the document mentioned above:
Check that your device is connected to Wifi and not the cell network. On some devices and in some locations, even with WiFi enabled, the phone continues to use the cell network. If this is happening to you, you can disable mobile networking (cell phone carrier based Internet connectivity) from your device's Android settings menu.
Every router systems is different. You are going to have to figure out the details on your own. You might get help by contacting your service provider..possibly they can provide advice on your system.
Although there may still be a problem connecting from your PC to the telephone, the actual error displaying on the phone indicates that the phone cannot connect to the rendezvous server which is actually physically located at Google. Make sure that there's not a firewall at your location that is blocking access to Google servers.
Btw. The phone and PC do not have to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network. They do have to be connected to networks that are permitted to talk to each other. In particular the PC needs to talk to the rendezvous server located at Google and it must talk to the phone as well. Similarly the phone must be able to talk to the rendezvous server at Google and be able to respond to requests from the PC.
Btw. The phone and PC do not have to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network. They do have to be connected to networks that are permitted to talk to each other. In particular the PC needs to talk to the rendezvous server located at Google and it must talk to the phone as well. Similarly the phone must be able to talk to the rendezvous server at Google and be able to respond to requests from the PC.
Please help me!!!
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