So, I certainly don't mind doing the research and learning myself, but I don't even know what this would be called. So if someone can just point me in the right direction, I'll go birddog it.
just use a textbox to enter a new category and a button to add that category into the category list, then in the listpicker display the list with all the categories
of couse you have to store the category list in TInyDB
first do the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
Sorry, App Inventor can not create objects dynamically.
What users do in your situation is create enough text boxes that will ever be needed, then withing the list picker, hide or show only the number of text boxes that are needed using set Textbox1.Visible to true or false. A neat feature of the TextBox that you can use, rather than have a label next to each text box explaining what each text box is for is to use the built in hint feature of the Textbox. If you clear all text in the TextBox, the hint appears. You can write a routine clearing all your text boxes using the advanced component if you want to always start data entry with a clean slate.
Excellent! Thanks so much.
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