From the blocks below in a test app, you can see that I am usung Taifun's FTP ext. I can save a file, I can read from that file into a label, but when I try to upload it, I get an error saying that the file does not exist. Could anyone inform me as to what is wrong?
Although the blocks at the moment do not show it, I have also prefixed the join part of the upload with file:// ; and it still doesn't help...
Thanks in Advance
use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here
and use the correct path to the file, see also the documentation
Prefix the filename with / (i.e. relative path) to upload a file from the SD card. For instance /myFile.txt will upload the file /mnt/sdcard/myFile.txt. To upload assets packaged with an application does not make sense and has been disabled therefore. If a fileName starts with file:/// you can specify a complete path to the file.
I managed to do it. Taifun's cryptic help made me look harder, and after nearly two weeks of trying, I finally got it... and I won't forget it now...
Taifun, the way I had it worked. The only thing I changed was when I was joining in the save file, I added another text block in it with /, and it worked. Although I guess I should move the call ftp up and call it before the file name as in your last example. Thanks...
Taifun's cryptic help made me look harder, and after nearly two weeks of trying, I finally got it..
what kind of help is easier to understand for you? any suggestion?
The only thing I changed was when I was joining in the save file, I added another text block in it with /
yes, you have to use the correct path to get it working and to find it out, "Do it" is the way to debug your blocks ...
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