2016년 12월 5일 월요일

Using a get to get the last component called in a list

A part of what i'm making involves having a button which, when clicked, plays a random sound from a list of sound files. I did this by creating a list and inserting the sounds into the list. Let's say there's 3 sounds - cow, pig and chicken.  

What I want to happen now is when I click the button and hear the animal sound, I need to click the correspondent button.  

So far what I have is this - http://i.imgur.com/4xxI7KE.png.

First two blocks create the list, the second group of blocks insert the sounds into the list and the third group of blocks is a fragment of what i'm trying to find out now. In normal programming i'd just create a variable and save whichever sound was played onto that variable, and then use an "if{} else if{} else{}" and use gets to get the value of the variable, though with MIT App Inventori'm not sure how I can get it to know which was the last sound that was played.

use the random integer block instead of the pick a random item block, see this example https://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#2removerandom

I want them to remain in the list though. I click the Randomize button and hear, let's say a dog, click the button for the dog and it'll say whether i'm right or wrong.
Then I click the Randomize button again and it has a chance of any of the 3 showing up again.

use the random integer block as already mentioned and adjust the provided example to your needs

Finally got it!

If you wanna see how it turned out then: http://i.imgur.com/thfccrH.png

I used the randomsound component linked to the randomize button, left it blank, changed it's source to whichever file was randomly pulled from the list and did my "if{} else if{} else{}" comparisons based on the current randomsound source.

next time please include screenshots directly into your thread instead of only a link to another server. thank you.


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