2017년 1월 14일 토요일

AI2: Preflight checklist

Thanks to Dominique Paris for the idea here.
Here is a a preflight checklist where an assistant (TextToSpeech) speaks the items to be checked and the pilot answers (SpeechRecognizer).
If the pilot response is not what is expected, then the assistant repeats the item and says what the expected response was.
I completed the checklist once only by modifying some of the expected responses. When I spoke 'off' it was usually interpreted as 'of', so I changed the expected response to 'of' :)
Surprisingly, the blocks to do this are fairly simple as you can see...
Thank you Scott,
my English is so bad that your apps won't recognize something.
i'm going to practice
Best regards from LFBO (Toulouse, France)

Try putting FRA for the country code in the Designer for the Country and fr for the language for the TextToSpeech component.
I don't know how to change the SpeechRecognizer component to understand languages other than English.
Also, try using an external microphone. That may work better.

Hello Scott, I have tried to make your application with the picture you show , but it don't see one of the item of the list apparently,
one of the item of the list is not considered,
if i try to restart the application it write : 
Select list item : Attempt to get item number 4 of a list of length 3 : ((Prestart checklist set)(Parking Brakes set)(Tail Wheel LOCKED))
If you have a few minutes for me i thank you, very much ...

How about posting the zip project or a screen shot of your blocks here and I will take a look at it. I am sure it is something simple.

I found my error
i wrote
" if (get global ChecklistItelIndex < length of list item list) 
rather than  
if (get global ChecklistItelIndex =< length of list item list)

Thank you for your answer Scott.


I don't know how to change the SpeechRecognizer component to understand languages other than English.

That is a thing not possible inside speech recognizer: you still have to modify such option into the device languages and input options > google vocal input > languages > here you have to check all the languages you need into your devices and set the main language: to do this last setting you have to long touch the language you want to set as main language for the device speech rec. I hope the speech rec will allow to programmatically set its own lang in future AI releases.

So if I understand correctly, if there were a language selection block, the user could be prompted at first run of the app to select a language for recognition.
That choice could then be stored in a TinyDB database and the correct language selected in subsequent sessions.


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